A Quote by Anohni

I've always been somewhat uncomfortable on the stage, and I've always felt like physically having to negotiate my own presence as a part of presenting work has always been a source of angst for me.
I've always been "other." I've always felt odd; I have always felt foreign in the environment I've been in. When you are young, that is a really uncomfortable thing to feel. As an older woman I really embrace it.
No longer what your belief about yourself is - if you've always been poor, if you've always been overweight, if you've always had rotten relationships, if your luck hasn't been good, if you don't attract into your life the things you want, if you've always been shy or always been aggressive - whatever it is and however long you've held it, the belief that you can't change it is not aligned with Source. Source says you can be anything. You can do anything. You're infinite.
Religion is not the biggest part of my life. I'm always playing baseball. But it's certainly a part of it, and having a faith in something. I've always worn a cross, and it's been a part of my game. It's always there with me.
That dark humor has always been a part of what I've done. It's always been somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
I think probably one of the important things that happened to me was growing up in Idaho in the mountains, in the woods, and having a very strong presence of the wilderness around me. That never felt like emptiness. It always felt like presence.
I have never had one moment of stage fright and performing has always been a huge thrill and source of enjoyment for me. It's part of my personality.
Marvel Comics has always been a place where I felt at home. It has been a very important part of my life and has always been a wellspring of creative and relevant ideas.
I grew up with a family that kind of always took care of me. They were always doting over me and I was always like a helpless little child. I think it's been a really big learning experience to be on my own and realize I can conquer things without having someone rescue me.
I've always been willing to take challenges, I grew up taking challenges: being an only child, having a mother, no father, I've always been one who has always done things the way I thought they should be done and not, and not having to answer to anybody for it and I've always taken my own chances and I've always followed by instincts according, mother would follow, follow wit, instincts, wisdom, whatever, always followed that.
I had been performing since I was 5, so it wasn't like I hadn't been on a stage before. I was always older than my age. That's my nature. I've always been a kind of mature kid.
The whole thing with playing on a stage with mics and all that has always been kind of uncomfortable to me.
I'm a strong believer in God. Always have been. I've always believed that he directed my path from the time I was a kid. He has always been my source of strength.
I've always been surprised when a straight guy likes me. It's just been like my whole life has been kinda like that. I definitely felt like when I started writing music, it wasn't writing for a gay audience at all. I was just writing for me. But what I say whenever I get this question is my best friends have always been gay, I've always been, as a person, just accepted by the gay community, and celebrated and had the best nights of my life at gay clubs. Always had a fashion sense usually with drag and I don't know. That's just kind of my people. That's just kind of where I fit in.
Coming back to Yes is like never having left. Even when I have not been in the band, I have always felt part of it.
There's always been this strand of filmmaking in Britain which is like socialist neo-realism. That's always been there. I've never been part of that, really; I've been much closer to fantasy.
I've always been terrified about not having money. I've been a big saver and a big earner. When I've been out of work, I've always found another job. I never wanted to get into debt, because money was very tight when I was growing up. I never felt deprived, but I couldn't have the things I wanted.
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