A Quote by Ant Middleton

A lot of people these days are very much too wrapped up in cotton wool: people aren't pushed to their limits, and that's why we should find out where our limits lie. — © Ant Middleton
A lot of people these days are very much too wrapped up in cotton wool: people aren't pushed to their limits, and that's why we should find out where our limits lie.
I think a lot of social media creators have always been, like, content and haven't pushed the limits because no one else had pushed the limits before. I say to myself, 'How can I create my own TV show online every day and actually make it a real production and put effort into it?'
We are pushing the limits on the chassis and the engine sides a lot in order to have a competitive car, and this is why we are winning races, but also, if you push the limits at a certain stage, you find them.
Contemporarily, we struggle with people worried about representation sometimes. It's a burden, as artists, that we take on that limits the work. It limits the characters people play. It limits the roles they want to do.
I think it's better to have limits. My limits are different from other people's limits. I'm all for freedom, I'm all for people doing what they want. I'm also all for people shouldering the consequences of their behaviors, and not being assholes, and not lying unless they need to, and being honest except when you shouldn't, and being faithful except when it's okay to cheat. I guess I'm just a mass of contradictions.
We should set goals within the limits of our resources while working to the limits of our powers.
I give myself limits - not only financial limits, but I also limit my method of expression, and from within those limits, I try to come up with something new and interesting.
I am not very extreme in my life. But I'm very attracted to art that works with extremes and works with limits, that transgresses limits and transcends limits and crosses borders and has a certain boldness.
There is one grand lie - that we are limited. The only limits we have are the limits we believe.
You push the limits and you find out where the limits are.
Growing up South African, I was comparatively in a world of privilege, especially being the youngest and being figuratively wrapped up in cotton wool by the rest of the family.
I think that ordinary people who are placed in extraordinary circumstances find themselves pushed beyond their limits, and learn new truths about themselves.
There are no limits to our future if we don't put limits on our people.
People change, but there really are limits. One thing you discover in psychoanalytic treatment is the limits of what you can change about yourself or your life. We are children for a very long time.
Metro was really a star-builder, no doubt about that. You were wrapped in cotton wool.
I thought The Limits of Control could be interpreted in two ways: as the limits of one's self-control; and as the limits of allowing other people's control over one's - consciousness - which I kind of thought was a double meaning that was appropriate.
As a lobbyist, I was completely against term limits, and I know a lot of people are against term limits, and I was one of the leaders, because why? As a lobbyist, once you buy a congressional office, you don't have to re-buy that office in six years, right?
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