A Quote by Anthea Butler

In the past, candidates' performances of 'Christianity' have been strong points for voters, but Trump's ascendancy with evangelicals has eviscerated that expectation. Evangelicals, like other voters, can be very pragmatic about the issues they want addressed by the leadership they support.
Trump's blatant racism and demonization of Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants also serves as a foil for white evangelicals. By othering these groups, Trump allows evangelicals to persist in their belief that white Anglo-saxon Protestantism is the default for true American Christianity and is best suited to lead America as a 'Christian Nation.'
McCain courted in 2008 what I would call 'fringe' evangelicals, in part because evangelicals were skeptical of his commitment to values voters. McCain's embrace of Palin came after having to scuttle endorsements from John Hagee and Rod Parsley, charismatics who believed in Armageddon and fiercely supported Israel.
Anger about the wars isn't the only reason voters support Mr. Trump. But his willingness to say what other G.O.P. candidates won't reflects what people like most about him: his complete break with the party elite.
Evangelicals overwhelmingly voted for Ronald Reagan - not because he was the most religious candidate, but he possessed the quality evangelicals felt like was most important, and that is leadership.
There was a whole set of issues that the other Republican candidates couldn`t go after Trump that hard on. They had this difficult position where they were trying to knock Trump down while appealing to the voters who liked a lot of the outrageous things about Donald Trump.[Hillary] Clinton is giong to have no such restrictions. She`s going to attack him on a wide variety of fronts and I don`t think Trump is going to deal very well with being attacked in that way.
Elites want to cut taxes and stop government regulation of business. Evangelicals want to make America a Christian nation. And alt-right voters want to purge the rights of minorities and women.
People in the media often tend to assume it`s like Trump and [Ted] Cruz fighting over the same voters but when you look at the people who say they`re voting for Donald Trump he does as well with voters who describe themselves as moderate or liberal as he does with voters who themselves as very conservative. So, not all the Trump base would go to Cruz as a second choice.
I think that Gov. Huckabee is one of us. I know that a lot of the other candidates try to talk like evangelicals, but he's actually one of us. He believes like we do on all the issues, which energizes me as a voter.
The traditional spokespersons for the Evangelicals, such as Chuck Colson and James Dobson, have become alarmed about this drift away from the 'Family Values' issues that they believe should be the overwhelming concerns of Evangelicals. They have expressed their displeasure in letters of protest circulated through the religious media.
Pennsylvania might be a parochial state, but it's not a homogeneous state. So, even among just Republican voters, to be able to pull that off, when you have very moderate voters on one side of the state and more conservative in the middle, shows that Donald Trump has very, very broad support.
My focus as part of the leadership is to keep talking about the independent voters, independent voters - how do we get the independent voters back?
While contemporary non-Evangelicals have virtually reduced faith to 'courageous ignorance,' Evangelicals have hardly been faithful in defending God's objective communication of truth.
[Donald] Trump's path to victory depends on getting historic levels of support from white voters, and particularly large numbers of white, non-college-educated voters.
The Establishment on both the Left and the Right, who want to disenfranchise the millions of Republican voters who support Donald Trump, have blamed the staged riots near Trump rallies on Trump or on Bernie Sanders. That's like blaming the Russians for the Reichstag Fire.
We need candidates who are able to reach out to young voters, women voters.
Candidates are making lasting impressions on voters, not just primary voters, in how they campaign.
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