A Quote by Anthony Carrigan

I would love to play a romantic lead at some point. I would love to play the hero at some point. It would be fun to be in a huge franchise blockbuster based on a series of books, whether it's fantastical or science fiction.
Would still love to do something with the 'Doctor Who' franchise at some point because I know they have a lot of fun.
Science fiction is a big, big love of mine. I would love to get into that at some point.
I would love to play a fun character. Like, I would love to be in 'A Long Day's Journey Into Night.' I love that play. I'd play Edmond or Jamie. I don't care which.
I would love to do a Fred Astaire/Gene Kelly type movie musical - a fun, song and dance, romantic comedy. Or, even just play the lead in one of those broad comedies - that would just be fantastic.
I want to to play some fun, interesting, crazy little character. I would love to get into something really fun and cool. It would be awesome.
What I love about the 'Alien' franchise is I would do all kinds of films - dramas, comedies, whatever - and every now and then I'd be in this science fiction blockbuster that would re-introduce the character and me to a lot of audiences around the world and allow me to go back and do the smaller films again, so it was really a good balance for me.
I think every guy and girl would love to get to play Superman, at some point in their life.
I think every guy and girl would love to get to play Superman at some point in their life.
I tend to play strong characters and people just assume that I would want to play romantic comedies, which I would love to do, but there are other women that do it so great and they maybe couldn't do what I do, play the kind of characters that I play.
New York, to me, is the arts capital of the world. I just feel so inspired when I'm there. I would love to live there at some point in my life and do a play.
Hopefully, any character I play has an anchor in reality. The more fantastical characters, or fantastical worlds that they inhabit are really fun and allow you, in some ways, to tell stories and reveal things about our lives that would be harder to take, in a more realistic setting.
I'd love to play a villain! I always end up playing people that are quite goody-two- shoes. I would love to play someone who is a little bit evil. I think that would be really fun.
I would love to play the lead in a big romantic comedy. That's definitely a dream of mine.
I would love to see a sequel to 'The Rocketeer.' I'd love to see that! I don't know that I would be in it. I may be a little long in the tooth to play 'The Rocketeer.' But I would love to be a part of that in some form or fashion.
I would love to do more science fiction. I always envisioned the Riddick franchise as a continuing mythology, so I always imagined that there would be many other films to follow.
Parker wasn't supposed to be a series. He was supposed to be one book, and if he was only going to be in one book, I didn't worry about it. And then an editor at Pocket Books said "Write more books about him." So I didn't go back at that point and give him a first name. If I'd known he would've been a series, I would've done two things differently. First, I would've given him a first name because that means for 27 books, I've had to find some other way to say, "Parker parked the car."
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