A Quote by Anthony de Mello

You have to understand, my dears, that the shortest distance between truth and a human being is a story. — © Anthony de Mello
You have to understand, my dears, that the shortest distance between truth and a human being is a story.
A master was once unmoved by the complaints of his disciples that, though they listened with pleasure to his parables and stories, they were also frustrated for they longed for something deeper. To all their objections he would simply reply: 'You have yet to understand, my friends, that the shortest distance between a human being and truth is a story.'
A short story is the shortest distance between two points; a novel is the scenic route.
We must remember that the shortest distance between our problems and their solutions is the distance between our knees and the floor.
There are many crooked lines and one straight line. Which is the line of truth? Why the straight line? Truth is always the shortest distance between two points.
The shortest distance between two points is under construction.
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
The shortest distance between two points is often unbearable.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.
A straight line is not the shortest distance between two points.
The shortest distance between two idiots is a conga line.
It's a big thing now: A lot of people want to be assistants to celebrities. If you're pursuing that, you're an idiot. You're a moron. The shortest distance between two points is not a celebrity, or being next to a celebrity.
Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between two points: you and broke.
As regards obstacles, the shortest distance between two points can be a curve.
The shortest distance between two jokes makes a perfect speech.
The shortest distance between two points is your mind. It's not a straight line.
The straight line is regarded as the shortest distance between two people, as if they were points.
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