A Quote by Antonin Artaud

Don't tire yourself more than need be, even at the price of founding a culture on the fatigue of your bones. — © Antonin Artaud
Don't tire yourself more than need be, even at the price of founding a culture on the fatigue of your bones.
Never tire yourself more than necessary, even if you have to found a culture on the fatigue of your bones.
Everybody goes through a phase of fatigue, and I am no different. Re-inventing yourself in your profession is the key to deal with fatigue.
The price of championships will never change. It's been set long before me. It will be the same long after me. That price is hard work, sweat, blood, tears, fatigue and exhaustion and doing so much more than what is required of you.
Hunger, thirst, cold, fatigue, your own physical and mental limitations - you will feel all of these. This teaches you about nature, more than that, you come face to face with yourself
When a tire blows, you simply accept that this is the here and now reality of your life. You've lost the tire, but that doesn't mean that you have to lose your peace and serenity. Now, serenely, begin to take the necessary steps in order the change the tire.
when you want something so desperately, you shake with the need for it. you tell yourself that you don't need more than one sip, because it's just the taste you crave, and once it's on your tongue you will be able to make it last alifetime. you dream of it at night. you see a thousand mile-high obstacles between where you stand and what you want, and you convince yourself you have the power to hurdle them. you tell yourself this even when, leaping the first block, you wind up bruised and bloodied and flattened.
Dancers have more bones than most people and on the days when you work hard you are sure that you have somehow accumulated more bones than you started with.
Fatigue is the price of leadership. Mediocrity is the price of never getting tired.
We do not need more material development, we need more spiritual development. We do not need more intellectual power, we need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge, we need more character. We do not need more government, we need more culture. We do not need more law, we need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen. It is on that side of life that it is desirable to put the emphasis at the present time. If that side be strengthened, the other side will take care of itself.
To be truly happy, you need a clear sense of direction. You need a commitment to something bigger and more important than yourself. You need to feel that your life stands for something, that you are somehow making a valuable contribution to your world.
I find in the domestic duck that the bones of the wing weigh less and the bones of the leg more, in proportion to the whole skeleton, than do the same bones in the wild duck; and this change may be safely attributed to the domestic duck flying much less, and walking more, than its wild parents.
If there was one key to happiness in love and life and possibly even success, it would be to go into each conversation you have with this commandment to yourself front and foremost in your mind, 'Just Listen' and be more interested than interesting, more fascinated than fascinating, and more adoring than adorable.
The price of peace is to abandon greed and replace it with giving, so that none will be spiritually injured by having more than they need while others in the world still have less than they need.
Sometimes, if you're lucky, someone comes into your life who'll take up a place in your heart that no one else can fill, someone who's tighter than a twin, more with you than your own shadow, who gets deeper under your skin than your own blood and bones.
Your true friends dont shy away from keeping you in check because your wellbeing is more important to them than even your friendship and they'd rather risk offending you than watch you harm yourself.
Water, earth, air, fire, and the other parts of this structure of mine are no more instruments of your life than instruments of your death. Why do you fear your last day? It contributes no more to your death than each of the others. The last step does not cause the fatigue, but reveals it. All days travel toward death, the last one reaches it.
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