A Quote by Antonio Brown

BioRhythm was a perfect fit for me, as I can relate to the company's attention to detail when producing its products to a very dedicated fan base. Detail is a key to my success on the football field.
The dot stands for 'detail' - always be paying attention to detail. I feel that people take you as serious as you take yourself. I spent a lot of time working on my craft, developing my style, and after I came out of my little incubation, I promised that I would pay attention to detail.
In moviemaking, you learn to pay attention to detail, because so much is in the detail. And when you're shooting, you try to be very alert to what's going on, even if you're tired.
Michael Jackson was the biggest star the world has ever seen - he put so much into everything; a lot of attention to detail. I want to do that. I want to pay that kind of attention to detail in everything - in music, visually - all of that.
It is the accuracy and detail inherent in crafted goods that endows them with lasting value. It is the time and attention paid by the carpenter, the seamstress and the tailor that makes this detail possible.
There is the flash in the pan, the sudden success. But continued success is dependent upon tremendous attention to detail.
It is about attention to detail and then the minutest detail on top of that. I am an owner, and yet I'll argue about the sign on the wall.
The detail of my art depends entirely on the project itself. I tend to be a little more detail-oriented with covers than I am with interior pages, and I try to reduce the detail on action sequences as opposed to suspense passages.
Like many people out there, I'm inspired by the level of attention to detail, design and execution of Apple products.
Often in football a game is really balanced and one small detail will make the difference between winning and losing. We try to find the detail that makes the difference for us.
The success of a production depends on the attention paid to detail.
Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration.
You're moving a franchise. You're leaving one city and going to another, which is difficult from a fan standpoint, from a fan-base standpoint, but you have to take care of the detail things. As you go through that step-by-step process, from my standpoint, my job is to keep in mind the player needs.
The airline business is fast-paced, high risk, and highly leveraged. It puts a premium on things I like to do. I think I communicate well. And I am very good at detail. I love detail.
I like it when people are driven. I love that in any field of work, in architecture or whatever. Like Lorne Michaels - he pays attention to every detail.
I actually had publishers that would encourage me at times to keep it simpler, not pack in so much information, but I'm a fan of songs and movies and books that the second time you read them, you find more stuff that you missed, so I like to pay attention to that detail.
The spectacular catches are the ones that you remember detail for detail. The ones with two hands, it's kind of routine.
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