A Quote by Antonio Damasio

Emotions are enmeshed in the neural networks of reason. — © Antonio Damasio
Emotions are enmeshed in the neural networks of reason.
The important thing to know about playing to win and playing not to lose is that there are actually different neural networks that are being used. It's not very easy to do both at the same time and, if you are trying to have a playing to win mentality, you're going for it, there's some things that trip you up or trigger the wrong neural network. If you start worrying about your mistakes all of a sudden, if you get too focused on the facts and the details, these are going to shift your neural networks and sort of screw up your strategy.
The question is, can we make neural networks that are 1,000 times bigger? And how can we do that with existing computation?
Deep neural networks are responsible for some of the greatest advances in modern computer science.
There are neural networks that can build whole apps from scratch - so why are we teaching high school kids to code?
The pooling operation used in convolutional neural networks is a big mistake, and the fact that it works so well is a disaster.
My particular focus at the moment is on the development of genetic algorithms and neural networks that work together to create computer architectural systems.
I get very excited when we discover a way of making neural networks better - and when that's closely related to how the brain works.
BitCoin is actually an exploit against network complexity. Not financial networks, or computer networks, or social networks. Networks themselves.
It is literally the case that learning languages makes you smarter. The neural networks in the brain strengthen as a result of language learning.
Reason necessarily expresses itself through emotions and emotions are healthy only insofar as they are expressions of reason.
It is the spread of the good things that vindicates the whole reason we live our lives in networks. If I was always violent to you or gave you germs, you would cut the ties to me and the network would disintegrate. In a deep and fundamental way, networks are connected to goodness, and goodness is required for networks to emerge and spread.
Health care - the ability of neural networks to ingest lots of data and make predictions is very well suited to this area, and potentially will have a huge societal impact.
The continuous networks of neural circuitry accomplish their functions using multiple, independently discovered strategies. The brain lends itself well to the complexity of the world, but poorly to clear-cut cartography.
Now that neural nets work, industry and government have started calling neural nets AI. And the people in AI who spent all their life mocking neural nets and saying they'd never do anything are now happy to call them AI and try and get some of the money.
Your brain does not manufacture thoughts. Your thoughts shape neural networks.
Every prime minister has a whole series of networks, and there are official formal networks and there are unofficial informal networks. I'm lucky in that I have good official formal networks, starting with my own office, the leadership group, the cabinet and the party room.
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