A Quote by Antonio Villaraigosa

Over the years, I've learned, focus on the job at hand, and opportunities will open after. — © Antonio Villaraigosa
Over the years, I've learned, focus on the job at hand, and opportunities will open after.
Captaining England is the best job I've ever had and the last thing I would want to do after more than four years is hand the Test job over to someone who wasn't up to it.
One of the things I've learned over the years is that you only do what you can do as an actor. You do the best job you can, but you have no control over so many elements that are going to determine the outcome of that film. I never pay attention to what happens after.
How unhappy are you that your dishwasher has replaced washing dishes by hand, your washing machine has displaced washing clothes by hand or your vacuum cleaner has replaced hand cleaning? My guess is this ‘job displacement’ has been very welcome, as will the ‘job displacement’ that will occur over the next 10 years. This is a good thing. Everyone wants more jobs and less work.
We don't have great answers to what jobs will look like in 10, 20, 30 years. And I think it's right for people to have some anxiety in a world where driverless cars are going to take over. Like, how are you going - it's gotten really, how are you going to have a job in 10 years, and how are your kids going to have a job in 10 years, if you haven't gone to college or had a lot of hand-ups in the system, basically.
What I've learned over the years is that focus and singular purpose is the best approach for businesses.
Open eyes will discover opportunities everywhere; open ears will never fail to detect the cries of those who are perishing for assistance; open hearts will never want for worthy objects upon which to bestow their gifts; open hands will never lack for noble work to do.
Over the years, I've learned that a confident person doesn't concentrate or focus on their weaknesses - they maximize their strengths.
Years ago I learned to be totally responsible for Dionne Warwick. I will not wait for opportunities. I will create them.
Stop overanalyzing how you 'feel' about your job and focus on being great at it. That will lead to bigger and better opportunities.
It's fairly obvious that American education is a cultural flop. Americans are not a well-educated people culturally, and their vocational education often has to be learned all over again after they leave school and college. On the other hand, they have open quick minds and if their education has little sharp positive value, it has not the stultifying effects of a more rigid training.
What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.
I started out as a lawyer and came in laterally to Goldman Sachs. So I learned myself that life is unpredictable. That you really should, in terms of your career, try to be excellent at what you're doing. I think if you focus on your job, and you focus on being broad in the context of your job, the next jobs follow from that.
When I was a little bitty kid, my aunt showed me how to play a little boogie. It took me years. I had to play the left-hand part with two hands, because my hands was so little. Then as I grew up and I learned how to play the left-hand part with one hand, she showed me how to play the right-hand part, and et cetera. My Uncle Joe showed me how to play a little bit different boogie stuff. I had people in my family that was professional musicians, but I just wasn't interested in what they did. I wasn't very open-minded to a lot of music that I'd be more open to today.
I've learned, over the years, to go after the parts where I feel I can add something.
What I've learned over the years is it's so much better to surround yourself with real talent and hire real chefs. I learned more from the chefs I have working for me than you could ever imagine. There's nothing wrong with being able to create opportunities for people, and you don't have to do everything, take credit for everything, and have all the weight be on your shoulders.
I know from my own experiences that if you will put your career in God's hands and trust him, you can't account for all the ways he will bless you. When you step out in faith, he will open doors and bring you opportunities that will surpass even your wildest expectations. . . . If I have learned anything, it's this: to get where you want to go, you first have to become the person God wants you to be.
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