A Quote by April Bloomfield

I don't like glossy covers. — © April Bloomfield
I don't like glossy covers.

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We unwittingly judge products by their boxes, books by their covers, and even corporation's annual reports by their nice glossy finish.
I do covers for CDs and LPs of music that I like, reissues of old-time music, and then I'm inspired to make some kind of drawing based on this love of the music. I don't do album covers or CD covers for groups or musicians I don't like or have no interest in.
I've always loved doing covers. Some artists don't like covers. Some listeners don't like covers. But I love them. It gives you a new perspective production-wise. It's easier for me, if I'm starting a new record, I like to produce a few songs that aren't mine just so it frees me up not to worry about it so much.
I don't do album covers or CD covers for groups or musicians I don't like or have no interest in.
Adrenaline is wonderful. It covers pain. It covers dementia. It covers everything.
Like many musicians, it's my roots in music, playing cover songs. I've done probably a lot more covers than the average person who does what I do, but I'm very proud of it, and I do feel like I really bring a lot artistically to these covers.
There are two kinds of speeches: the Mother Hubbard speech, which, like the garment, covers everything but touches nothing, and the French bathing suit speech, which covers only the essential points.
The raven spread out its glossy wings and departed like hope.
Covers, so many covers, so many different, delectable pictures, and although, metaphorically speaking, it is the thing I hate most, when it comes to literature I always judge books by their covers. First the cover will catch my eye, then I read the back of the book, and then finally the first page.
It's been quite a while since I was really afraid that there was a boogeyman in my closet, although I am still very careful to keep my feet under the covers when I go to sleep, because the covers are magic, and if your feet are covered, it's like boogeyman Kryptonite.
When I was younger, watching movies, it felt like everything was glossy and beautiful, and I didn't really relate to it.
I have always felt that effect covers are very good covers. They bring you into the story if you pay attention to them.
You'd think with all the magazines and the covers and all the sexy stuff I've done, that that's hugely a part of me. But even though I've played those roles and I've dressed up and been on the covers of these things and done this and that, it is all such pretense. So I just thought, "I can't be one of those girls. I wear bib jeans. I don't wear underwear like that. I don't move in the world like that." You know, I'm more bare-footed Rastafarian, crazy.
I smiled at the stacks, inhaling again. Hundreds of thousands of pages that had never been turned, waiting for me. The shelves were a warm, blond wood, piled with spines of every color. Staff picks were arranged on tables, glossy covers reflecting the light back at me. Behind the little cubby where the cashier sat, ignoring us, stairs covered with rich burgundy carpet led up to the worlds unknown. 'I could just live here,' I said.
If you've looked at all the glamour magazines lately, all the covers are actresses. If they are on those covers, they are going to try to emulate models. That's just the way it is.
Wow. Nice bike,” I said. Which was a lie. It looked like a glossy black death trap.
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