A Quote by Armando Iannucci

I always think you've just got to move on. If you keep wallowing in the thing that you've done for a while you get a bit stale. — © Armando Iannucci
I always think you've just got to move on. If you keep wallowing in the thing that you've done for a while you get a bit stale.
If you don't get something, don't spend your time wallowing. Just move on and then speak up for the next thing, and hope that you're involved in that.
You can allow yourself 72 hours of wallowing time. Then you've got to get into the gym, stop eating the ice cream and move on.
If you're in music, you're in music, and if you're in music you just want to keep making records and playing. That's what it's about, isn't it? At least, that's what I always thought it was about, anyway. I don't think I could bear years and years off. Perhaps in me older, older age, maybe I will, for physical reasons. But to me you've always got to keep proving yourself. I never want to just sit on me laurels. You have to keep forging, to prove yourself to yourself. I always think, every time I start a record, this could be the best thing I've ever done.
I'm quite a domestic person by nature, and the nomad thing had got a bit stale on me, really.
I think people were a little bit too concerned about what I would or would not be allowed to say. So let me just get that out of the way and get on to the business of telling, you know, a story, or two, or three, or 15. And also to say, "Okay, look. Here it is, don't worry about it. The restrictions and the watered-down and all the stuff that you thought was gonna happen really isn't the case." So we done got that out the way, and now we can just kind of move on.
I think we have all got to keep active - if we don't we will just seize up and, you know, we won't be able to get out of bed in the morning. It doesn't matter what it is, 10 minutes or 20 minutes, it just starts off the day and I do a sort of combination: a bit of Silver Swans and a bit of pilates and a lot of walking, which I love.
I think in life the key thing is just to fight really hard to make sure something survives. If it looks like you've done everything you can to avoid failure, just move forward, move on and learn from it.
Don’t do what you know on a gut level to be the wrong thing to doI don’t think there’s a single dumbass thing I’ve done in my adult life that I didn’t know was a dumbass thing to do while I was doing it. Even when I justified it to myself—as I did every damn time—the truest part of me knew I was doing the wrong thing. Always. As the years pass, I’m learning how to better trust my gut and not do the wrong thing, but every so often I get a harsh reminder that I’ve still got work to do.
I've done enough for a while and people get fed up of seeing you, but apart from that, although I'm young, I need a bit of rest. You could say I have become a house husband. It's not a new man thing, it's just largely a boring man who doesn't mind staying in the house thing.
My advice is precisely the advice my mother gave me. If you believe you have talent, the next thing you must have is determination. If you keep working, keep striving, and try always to move forward a little bit with every job you do, you'll eventually make it. And I believe that!
Just watch. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way. I'm just telling you, when you've got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That's rule No. 1 of business.
I don't really get stuck in a time warp where, if my film is a success, I have to keep partying till the next one releases, or if my film is a flop, I keep wallowing in sorrow until the next comes my way. My hard work in each film is always there.
I've been training jiu-jitsu for a while. It just didn't really click in my brain. Maybe sometimes I get a bit lazy. By the time I realize I'm in trouble, I'm already caught. You can't really think about it. You've got to just react as it happens.
There's going to be a lot of eating. My listeners have tweeted me and said "You've just got to keep eating, keep your energy up and have someone on duty to give you a massage if you need it." It will be a case of getting it done and making sure I don't get too cold, because that's crucial for the muscles. So that's all going to be taken care of. But really there's not much you can do - if you start cramping up you've just got to get on with it.
The most difficult thing about shooting guns instantly on film is to not pull a silly face while the gun is going off, because it's always a bit of a shock. So you find yourself sticking your tongue out or blinking or whatever. So the hardest thing is to keep a straight face while you're shooting a gun.
To be honest, I didn't have any expectations. I really didn't know what to expect. What I was most nervous about was the repetition of doing it over and over and over again. Does that get stale? How do you keep it fresh? Then I realized it's always new because you get to keep playing the next moment.
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