A Quote by Arnold Newman

Ideas visuales combinadas con tecnología e interpretación personal es igual a fotografía — © Arnold Newman
Ideas visuales combinadas con tecnología e interpretación personal es igual a fotografía
I think the Con-Con issue is really diversionary. I've always been against Con-Con, from the very first the time the idea was raised. Everybody knows that.
... he who has independent ideas is hated by the mass[es].
Disposicion a transformacion personal es clave para Iluminacion Global.
Time ain’t nothing, but time. It’s a verse with no rhyme, And it all come down to you. «El tiempo solo es tiempo. Es un verso sin rima, y todo depende de ti.»
This is not to be cocky, but, I go over real well at Comic-Con. I've done quite a few Comic-Cons, and I enjoy the hell out of them. They are so much fun, and so bizarre. I've done the FX Show in Florida, Wizard-World in Chicago, Comic-Con in San Diego, Wonder-Con in San Francisco, the Comic-Con in New York, and I've done them numerous times.
Me han dicho que eso de sentirse feliz sin felicidad solo funciona con cocaína. Por desgracia no es bueno para la salud. Además de muy caro. Hum, e ilegal, desde luego. Así que mejor sigo siendo desgraciada y espero a encontrar alguna razón para poder ser feliz.
For my first book, 'New York,' I had one camera and two lenses. It was fotografia povera.
My first modeling job in Paris, the photographer said, 'Tue es belle,' which means, 'you are pretty,' and I thought he said, 'Tu es poubelle,' which means, 'you are the trash can.' I burst into tears. He was not happy about that.
Turning music into digital was just a con, a record-company con.
Now, con said grimly, "I go to kill a werewolf and claim my woman." ~Con
But the downside of being con artist is that it very hard to con. Even if the lies you tell are to yourself.
En France particulie' rement, les mots ont plus d'empire que les ide es. In France particularly, words reign over ideas.
¡Lástima que el Amor un diccionario no tenga donde hallar cuándo el orgullo es simplemente orgullo y cuándo es dignidad! What a shame that love has no dictionary in which to ascertain when pride is simply pride and when it's 'dignity'!
Any ideas of “other” are complicated, and otherness is relative to personal ideas of “normal.”
Any ideas of 'other' are complicated, and otherness is relative to personal ideas of 'normal.'
L'homme est ne pour la socie te ; se parez-le, isolez-le, ses ide es se de suniront, son caracte' re se tournera, mille affections ridicules s'e le' veront dans son coeur; des 274 pense es extravagantes germeront dans son esprit, comme les ronces dans une terre sauvage. Man is born to live in society: separate him, isolate him, and his ideas disintegrate, his character changes, a thousand ridiculous affectations rise up in his heart; extreme thoughts take hold in his mind, like the brambles in a wild field.
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