A Quote by Arsenio Hall

If God wanted us high, He would have given us wings. — © Arsenio Hall
If God wanted us high, He would have given us wings.
If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.
If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets.
There's an old saying in the space community: 'If God wanted us to be a spacefaring species, he would have given us a moon'.
I feel that if God had really wanted us to have enough oil, he would never have given us a Department of Energy.
There are two gods. The god our teachers teach us about, and the God who teaches us. The god about whom people usually talk, and the God who talks to us. The god we learn to fear, and the God who speaks to us of mercy. The god who is somewhere up on high, and the God who is here in our daily lives. The god who demands punishment, and the God who forgives us our trespasses. The god who threatens us with the torments of Hell, and the God who shows us the true path. There are two gods. A god who casts us off because of our sins, and a God who calls to us with His love.
If God would have wanted us to live in a permissive society He would have given us Ten Suggestions and not Ten Commandments.
God has given to every one of us more than fourteen billion cells and connections in our brain. Now why would God give us such a complex organ system unless He expects us to use it?
Each of us has a Soul. But no one has stopped to tell us what the Soul is in the world to do. Or if they have told us, they've given us incomplete information - for example, that our job is to get back to God. That is not our job. We couldn't get back to God if we wanted to, because we never left God.
I want manned spaceflight, not just back to the Moon, but beyond that. And I want my daughters and my son to have their own July 20, 1969, to remember. Apollo 11 didn't give us wings; it only showed us how far the wings we had would take us.
If God had wanted us to talk more than listen, he would have given us two mouths rather than two ears.
Heaven is not here, it's There. If we were given all we wanted here, our hearts would settle for this world rather than the next. God is forever luring us up and away from this one, wooing us to Himself and His still invisible Kingdom, where we will certainly find what we so keenly long for
God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. And he's given us the indwelling strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to us.
I've always figured that if God wanted us to go to church a lot He'd have given us bigger behinds to sit on and smaller heads to think with.
If God did not want us to understand the book of Revelation, He would not have given it to us at all.
God loves us; the devil hates us. God wants us to have a fulness of joy as He has. The devil wants us to be miserable as he is. God gives us commandments to bless us. The devil would have us break these commandments to curse us.
Earthly love… is temporal and slight so that is has to be given again and again in order for us to feel any sense of security; but God’s love, God’s voice and presence, would instill our souls with such affirmation we would need nothing more and would cause us to love other people so much we would be willing to die for them.
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