A Quote by Art Alexakis

I think the fact that Napster is stealing recorded music is something that we have to stop. It's taking money out of my kid's mouth. That is the way I look at it. It's inherently wrong. It's stealing.
Back when Napster first came along, I started telling everybody Napster was like shooting yourself in the foot because you're stealing music. The record companies don't pay for us to make records - the bands do.
The man who was once starved may revenge himself upon the world not by stealing just once, or by stealing only what he needs, but by taking from the world an endless toll in payment of something irreplaceable, which is the lost faith.
What a brutish master sin is, taking the joy from one's life, stealing money and health, giving promise of tomorrow's pleasures, and finally leading one onto the rotten planking that overlies the mouth of the pit.
Stealing things is everybody's problem. We [Apple Inc.] own a lot of intellectual property, and we don't like when people steal it. So people are stealing stuff and we're optimists. We believe that 80 percent of the people stealing stuff don't want to be; there's just no legal alternative.
Stealing from capitalism is not like stealing out of our own pockets. Marx and Lenin have taught us that anything is ethical, so long as it is in the interest of the proletarian class and its world revolution.
Napster is essentially using the music to make money for themselves and that's the part that's both morally and legally wrong. That I think is more relevant than whether or not I'm losing money.
Stealing was a rush to me, more about the feeling than the thing I was stealing.
Stealing is stealing. I don't care if it's on the Internet or you're breaking into a warehouse somewhere - it's theft.
Stealing a man's wife, that's nothing, but stealing his car, that's larceny.
No people is wholly civilized where a distinction is drawn between stealing an office and stealing a purse.
A nation that still needs to distinguish between stealing an election, and stealing a new pair of shoes, is not completely civilized yet.
In a way I spend my entire life stealing from everything - from the past, from cities I love, from where I grew up - grabbing things, taking not only from architecture but from Italy, art, writing, poetry, music.
A couple of Astros players told me I was tipping pitches, but now it comes out they were stealing signs. Was I tipping, or were they stealing?
My aunts lived on liquor and seldom felt like eating much. I don't know what's wrong about a kid stealing when he's hungry.
Stealing to eat ain’t criminal—stealing to be rich is.
A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children.
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