A Quote by Arthur Conan Doyle

horses: dangerous on both ends and crafty in the middle — © Arthur Conan Doyle
horses: dangerous on both ends and crafty in the middle
A horse is dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle.
Responsibility's like a string we can only see the middle of. Both ends are out of sight.
Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends.
Some men’s prayers need to be cut short at both ends and set on fire in the middle.
The best part about burning your candle at both ends is that everything is much brighter in the middle.
It is better to burn the candle at both ends, and in the middle, too, than to put it away in the closet and let the mice eat it.
Not all horses are going to be show jumpers, not all horses are going to be dressage horses. So you have to sort of find where the horse physically fits into what might suit him, but all horses can be comfortable and all horses can have good, solid fundamentals.
Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.
The West should be tougher on Pakistan. It is trying to play both ends against the middle - to look like the friend of the revolutionaries on the one hand and a friend of the West in the fight against terrorism. It can't be both things.
The corncob was the central object of my life. My father was a horse handler, first trotting and pacing horses, then coach horses, then work horses, finally saddle horses. I grew up around, on, and under horses, fed them, shoveled their manure, emptied the mangers of corncobs.
I'd like to work with horses, but it doesn't pay very well. Maybe I'd like to go somewhere in the Middle East because they keep buying really nice horses for their Olympic teams - like, the Qataris.
To a crafty man, a crafty and an halfe.
The two biggest threats to international security in 2013 are Iran getting a nuclear weapon, and Iran being bombed to stop it getting a nuclear weapon. Both would precipitate a long and dangerous conflict in an already unstable Middle East. Both would be a disaster.
It is dangerous to explain too clearly to man how like he is to the animals without pointing out his greatness. It is also dangerous to make too much of his greatness without his vileness. It is still more dangerous to leave him in ignorance of both, but it is most valuable to represent both to him. Man must not be allowed to believe that he is equal either to animals or to angels, nor to be unaware of either, but he must know both.
Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.
Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream.
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