A Quote by Ashley Tisdale

When I was really little, I was on a Pop Warner squad. I did it for a year. My dad was a Pop Warner football coach. I did it because my best friend was also on this cheer squad, and of course I looked up to my sister who was a cheerleader, so I wanted to cheer.
My first year playing Pop Warner football, my mom had to change my birth certificate because I was too young. I was 5, I think, and you were supposed to be 6.
The thing Pop did for me and did for a lot of coaches is - he let me coach. It seems really simple, and that's the beauty of being with Pop and being around Pop.
I didn't start playing football a lot until I was in high school. I played it in seventh and eighth grade, but I didn't play Pop Warner or anything.
I used to have this little punk pop band, and I don't know why we did 'Behind Blue Eyes,' because it's not punk pop. But we did, it was our slow jam.
It's not that I mind fighting with Trump's cheer squad... it's that it's so rarely a fair fight.
Pop ya kickstand little mama I'm the Nickster. I'll pop you then I'll pop your little sister.
I was the best guy, you know, all through Little League and Pop Warner and that kind of stuff. But when I went to high school, I was undersized. I didn't grow. I was behind the whole puberty cycle. I didn't like high school.
I'm not sure how I became that way. But I've always been that way. Every team has to have at least one emotional player on the squad, or it wouldn't feel like a real squad. That lifts the squad up whenever it's down. That's what I try to do.
Malcolm Gladwell was on TV talking about wanting to have college football banned. It's interesting just because of him even bringing the topic up. Sooner or later, whether people are for or against it whether they like it or not, that is going to be a discussion that is going to come up. That's how it all starts - someone brings up the inquiry: Should we continue to let our children play Pop Warner, high school, and college football? Ten, 15, 20 years from now, who knows where that conversation is going to be.
The parallel we like to make.... is the idea of becoming the next Warner Brothers, which is a company that creates the content, but they also produce the content. They also distribute; they also market. So we say that because Fine Bros. and Warner Brothers is fun to say.
Im not saying I didnt enjoy the England experience because I really did. It was beyond my wildest dreams to be part of the squad and, without a doubt it was the best moment of my career.
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
I'm still looking for the rules of what is and isn't pop music. I'm pop. I mean, of course I am. What isn't pop? There should be a pop amnesty where everyone reclaims it.
The season lasts a long time, and we need not only a high-level squad but also a big squad.
I used to watch Arsenal a lot but not so much now because my channel lost the rights to show Premier League football. But of course, I know the squad and I wish all the best to the guys. And of course I am still a Gooner and I think I will always support that club.
I've been lucky enough to be around some great coaches, all the way from Pop Warner to now.
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