A Quote by Athenaeus

Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. — © Athenaeus
Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.
Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.
Is not old wine wholesomest, old pippins toothsomest, old wood burn brightest, old linen wash whitest? Old soldiers, sweethearts, are surest, and old lovers are soundest.
There are three things that grow more precious with age; old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to enjoy.
I love everything that's old, - old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine.
Old books, old wine, old Nankin blue;- All things, in short, to which belong The charm, the grace that Time makes strong, All these I prize, but (entre nous) Old friends are best!
Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. New-made friendships, like new wine, Age will mellow and refine. Friendships that have stood the test - Time and change - are surely best; Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray, Friendship never knows decay. For 'mid old friends, tried and true, Once more we our youth renew. But old friends, alas! may die, New friends must their place supply. Cherish friendship in your breast- New is good, but old is best; Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.
Old friends, like old shoes, are comfortable. But old shoes, unlike old friends, tend not to be supportive: it is easier to stumble and sprain an ankle while wearing a pair of old shoes than it is in new shoes, with their less yielding leather.
Home. It's being new and old all rolled into one. Measuring your new against old friends, old ways, old places, Knowing that as long as the old survives, you can keep changing as much as you want without the nightmare of waking up to a total stranger.
What find you better or more honourable than age? Take the preheminence of it in everything, in an old friend, in old wine, in an old pedigree.
Better is old wine than new, and old friends like-wise.
... old clothes, old friends, old books. One needs constants in a traveling life.
It was an old, old, old, old lady, And a boy who was half-past three; And the way they played together Was beautiful to see.
Doubt is an old disease. Faith is an old medicine. Compassion is an old doctor. Concern is an old nurse.
I've got two old Volvos, two old Subarus, and an old Ford Ranger. If you've got an old car, you've gotta have at least several old cars, 'cause one's always gonna be in the garage.
Other people, including me, have written books with main characters who were old and rich. Or old and brilliant. Old sages, old wizards, old rich people.
Man's nature is not a bit the same as wines. He loses flavour as his life declines. We drink the oldest wine that comes our way. Old men get nasty, old wines make us gay.
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