A Quote by Athiya Shetty

We are human beings, and it's okay if we have a bad hair day or bad day in general. — © Athiya Shetty
We are human beings, and it's okay if we have a bad hair day or bad day in general.
I want to make sure that people feel it's okay to make a mistake, to have a bad hair day, to look bad sometimes. It takes the pressure off them.
At the end of the day, human beings are social people. If you have had a bad day, there is no escape when you are in a bubble.
I don't stress at all. When other people say, 'I'm having a bad day,' I ask, 'How can you have a bad day for the entire 24 hours, or even 12 or eight hours?' Something bad might happen, but that can't make the entire day bad.
Anyone can have a good day. The question is what do you do on a bad day. That's when you're being tested. In a very tangible sense, a bad day shows your innermost essence more than a good day.
If I have a bad hair day, I just think, 'Well, it will be an OK hair day tomorrow. Just put your head down and go.'
Bad day?" "Every day is a bad day here." "Eh, this place isnt't so terrible." "How are you always cheerful?" "Alcohol," he says with a sideways grin.
I can get a black eye, a bloody nose. I can have a bad day in the gym. At the end of the day, I don't have a bad payday, and I don't have a bad night under the lights... I get bumps, bruises... but I don't have a bad night.
success in L.A. is completely arbitrary. One day you're the brilliant genius of life, the next day people act like there's a bad smell when you approach. Lots of expensive, late-model cars are offered in the L.A. Times every day by people who have suddenly begun to smell bad. The stakes are just too high for human dignity.
You want to bring it every day. But if you have a bad day in the theatre, a couple of hundred people see it. That sucked; we'll get back to it. You have a bad day on film, it's just on DVD for the rest of your life.
Everything in my life is in perspective. OK, perspective ebbs and flows. I've had bad days, but they weren't in the last years. A bad day is 2 October 1996: 'We've got bad news for you, you've got advanced testicular cancer and you've got a coin's toss chance of survival.' That's a bad day.
Kids are always writing me: 'I had a bad day too.' 'I got gum in my hair.' And the kids also write to me to pass on advice to Alexander. My favorite one of those being, 'The next time you have a bad day, blame your brothers.' I didn't expect this. It's certainly the most successful of my books.
Everyone has a bad hair day; the trick is not to have one on picture day.
One bad day could turn into a bad year if you're not careful. Or, a bad rest of your life if you're not careful. Because of one day!
On a bad day, I'll still have a conscious thing in my mind reminding me that what I think of as a bad day is still a very good day in probably 90% of the world's population's eyes.
And if one day,' she said, really crying now, 'you look back and you feel bad for being so angry, if you feel bad for being so angry at me that you couldn't even speak to me, then you have to know, Conor, you have to that is was okay. It was okay. That I knew. I know, okay? I know everything you need to tell me without you having to say it out loud.
General de Gaulle was a thoroughly bad boy. The day he arrived, he thought he was Joan of Arc and the following day he insisted that he was Georges Clemenceau.
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