A Quote by Aubrie Sellers

'Elle' is such an iconic magazine, and the intersection of fashion and music has always been something that fascinates me. — © Aubrie Sellers
'Elle' is such an iconic magazine, and the intersection of fashion and music has always been something that fascinates me.
One of the very first fashion features where I appeared without my prosthetic legs was in ELLE magazine's publication, 'Gold Rush.'
I admired fashion but I wasn't an "iconic fashionista" myself. I think as I got more comfortable in my skin, then I got a little bit more into fashion, but it's always been something I've been interested in because you can express yourself through what you wear and your accessories and everything else. So getting into my early 20s was really started to come into myself.
I like 'Elle' magazine. I love things online, like when all the big brands have a fashion show, I like to see the new collections.
I was always into fashion because my mom has always been interested in fashion. She majored in fashion merchandising in college, and it's always been something we have in common.
Significant consequences can begin very inconsequentially. That's one thing that fascinates me. The other thing that fascinates me is how accident can undermine something that's unfolding, something that might have played out differently otherwise.
Well, I'm very much a literary person. And my fashion always tells a story somehow. I never look at fashion magazines. I find them incredibly boring. To me, reading a fashion magazine is the last thing I need to do. I've got books I need to read.
Theres something in music that fascinates me - how it communicates emotion so immediately. Thats something I wanted in my paintings.
There's something in music that fascinates me - how it communicates emotion so immediately. That's something I wanted in my paintings.
PUMA has been an iconic name in the fashion world for decades, their ability to remain at the top of the game in not only sportswear, but in culture and fashion is inspirational.
If anything, Calvin Klein is the iconic company in terms of fashion. They do have iconic images for their campaigns.
I married a man who was in fashion. I began to work when my daughter Nathalie was about eight or 10 years old. Then one day I began to make a sweater, and eventually the sweater was on the front page of Elle magazine. And the day after I was the queen of knit in America.
I always looked at magazines. Ever since I was little I was obsessed with Elle magazine and the models. I would watch the model TV shows, like the specials on Milla Jovovich.
A lui la foi, a' elle le doute, a' elle le fardeau le plus lourd: la femme ne souffre-t-elle pas toujours pour deux? For him, faith; for her, doubt and for her theheavier load: does not the woman always suffer for both?
Obviously, The Glamazon has been covered in every wrestling magazine known to man, including WWE Magazine, however, I've always wanted to do a fitness magazine.
I think that, in addition of the intersection of media and technology, there has also been an intersection between technology and finance, which is something I find a little closer to home, seeing as I spend so much time covering Wall Street banks.
Before I went to boarding school, I had never read a fashion magazine. I grew up on a council estate in London, and fashion magazines were a luxury item that weren't even on my mind. The closest I got to a fashion magazine was my cousin's 'Top of the Pops' magazines, where we would learn the lyrics to every song and put posters on our walls.
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