A Quote by Audrey Niffenegger

The cure might be worse than the problem — © Audrey Niffenegger
The cure might be worse than the problem
A couple of back operations didn't cure anything, but instead, things got worse and worse and worse.
Ill-digested principles are, if anything, worse than ill-digested food, for the latter harms the body and there is cure for it, whereas the former ruins the soul and there is no cure for it.
There are worse things than having behaved foolishly in public. There are worse things than these miniature betrayals, committed or endured or suspected; there are worse things than not being able to sleep for thinking about them. It is 5 a.m. All the worse things come stalking in and stand icily about the bed looking worse and worse and worse.
Boredom is a disease worse than cancer. Drugs cure it.
In medicine as well as politics, one cannot permit the cure to be worse than the disease.
Education will not cure all the problems of society, but without it no cure for any problem is possible.
Those willing to trade freedom for certainty are certain to find the cure worse than the ailment.
Racism is worse than ever. Violence is worse than ever. The economy's worse than ever. Unemployment's worse than ever. And it's Democrats that have been running the show, with the first African-American president at the top of the heap, and it didn't get any better?
We have a problem with radical Islamism and I actually think that we could work together with Russia against this enemy. They have a worse problem than America does.
Communism is the opiate of the intellectuals - With no cure except as a guillotine might be called a cure for dandruff.
My mother said the cure for thinking too much about yourself was helping somebody who was worse off than you.
We in Canada are not going to say Muslims are worse than Christians or are worse than Jews or are worse than atheists.
Can I say one other thing that`s very important? I`m indebted to Donald Trump for a long time, we`ve had this problem that people disliked government. And the health care bill has shown reminded people and Donald Trump has shown people there is something a lot worse than government. It`s not government. That as bad as they might have thought the government was on health care, it`s now created people that the absence of government healthcare is even worse.
It's not going to help the country to be subsidizing uneconomical forms of energy - whether you call them 'green,' 'renewable' or whatever. In that case, the cure is worse than the disease.
Just because there is a problem doesn't mean that we have to solve it, if the cure is going to be more expensive than the original ailment.
Finding relief in your problem is fine, but it will not cure the problem.
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