A Quote by August Wilson

You get to the point where your demons, which are terrifying, get smaller and smaller and you get bigger and bigger. — © August Wilson
You get to the point where your demons, which are terrifying, get smaller and smaller and you get bigger and bigger.
It's gotten out of control. It's taking bigger and bigger names to make smaller and smaller films. I worry that important films without a big name attached won't get made at all.
Seek to see and feel the gospel as bigger as years go by rather than smaller. Never let the gospel get smaller in your heart.
I often find the smaller, independent films are much more rewarding than the bigger stuff, but you do the bigger stuff because it's a business, and you've got to show your face a bit, get yourself around.
Ideas don't get smaller when they're shared, they get bigger.
As your reputation gets bigger, the gaps and chances to go through them get smaller.
Consider getting smaller in order to get bigger.
I typically, with my work, like to approach it in a bigger way. That's sort of how I am. And I remember when I was getting into television, the handcuff that gets put on you right away, especially when you're a theater kid, is, 'Be smaller, be smaller, be smaller.'
I think most artists would be happy to have bigger audiences rather than smaller ones. It doesn't mean that they are going to change their work in order necessarily to get it, but they're happy if they do get it.
One of my worries about America is the epidemic of depression we've been in. One of the possibilities about that is that the 'I' gets bigger and bigger, and the 'we' gets smaller and smaller.
In Canada, you do smaller movies that maybe nobody sees, but you get to do bigger, better parts.
As an assistant coach, the wins and losses don't tally up on your record, so you don't necessarily have that to fall back on, so you have to find smaller games within the bigger picture to play in order to get your victories.
Social networks particularly will tend to converge and consolidate over time, especially because they're inherently governed by network effects. So the bigger ones will just get bigger, their value will multiply exponentially, and the smaller ones will become less and less relevant.
Every film that gets made, and I'm not just talking about 'Star Wars,' I'm talking about Marvel, DC, every tent pole film - they seem to just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. The worlds get bigger, the stakes get bigger.
Get yourself into every audition that you can. Even in those for smaller roles, you'll never know when someone may recommend you for a bigger one.
As you get bigger, your staff gets bigger, and your costs get bigger.
I'm lucky that I get to do the bigger movies and the smaller movies.
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