A Quote by Axl Rose

I like to be real private; you don't always want everyone around you - even when they like you. — © Axl Rose
I like to be real private; you don't always want everyone around you - even when they like you.
There are times when I love the world and love everyone, and I want to talk to everyone, and other times when I feel really disillusioned, and like none of this is real, nothing is real around me.
I feel like nowadays everyone perceives you the same way. You can't even have a private life away from your family; it's like everything is very hands-on!
I've always been very chauvinistic, even in my boy-obsessed days. But I was always a gentleman. I alwaysd treated my boys like real ladies. Always escorted them properly and, in fact, I suppose if I were a lot older - like 40 or 50 - I'd be a wonderful sugar daddy to some little queen down in Kensington. I'd have a houseboy named Richard to order around.
New York is kind of like L.A. If I walk around, not everyone is going to notice me because not everyone watches football, especially in New York. But I feel like everyone in Jersey is a Jets fan, and I always get recognized here.
If your dream sounds like a real stretch and everyone around you is looking at you like you have completely lost it, it might just be exactly what you need.
I was always big. I was kind of around this size, like, since I went into high school. I played rugby and stuff like that. So, people, you know, would screw with me, but I never got into, like, a real fight or anything like that.
There's no fun in a bag if it's not kicked around, so that it looks as if the cat's been sitting on it-and it usually has. The cat may even be in it! I always put on stickers and beads and worry beads. You can get them from Greece, Israel, Palestine-from anywhere in the world. I always hang things on my bags because I don't like them looking like everyone else's.
There's times when you're by yourself and you want your girl around or your kids around. You just need somebody around. And other times, boxing makes you feel like you want to be by yourself. You get emotional. That's why after some wins, I cry. Even in my losses, I cry. Because I know how hard I work, and I always want to be victorious.
If I ask you, 'What do you want out of life?' and you say something like, 'I want to be happy and have a great family and a job I like,' it's so ubiquitous that it doesn't even mean anything. Everyone wants that.
At school, everyone smoked cigarettes. I was the rebel who didn't want to. I have never needed anything like that to have a good time, and that also means my experiences are always very real.
I've always felt like there was a lot of hype around me even when there wasn't. I felt like everyone was talking about me even when no one was talking about me.
I've always felt if you followed a real private detective around, it would be boring.
We want to sound like a band you can't clone or even categorize. We like to throw everyone off.
Human beings don't want to just enjoy something by themselves. They want to share that emotion - they want everyone around them to enjoy it like they enjoy it or hate it like they hate it. That's what makes a video spread.
Boys are like purses. You're always gonna have that one boy that you're always comfortable with and you know you'll always kind of like. That's your purse that you wear everywhere. Then you have that gorgeous bag that you want everyone to see you with but the gorgeous bag is usually an asshole or costs a lot of money. Then you have those other purses that you really like but you really don't want to be seen with
I feel like I want to make everyone happy. I want everyone around me to be happy.
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