A Quote by Azim Premji

The U.S. is a complex country. It has a high predominance of immigrants who have been eminently successful. — © Azim Premji
The U.S. is a complex country. It has a high predominance of immigrants who have been eminently successful.
There is no - let me repeat - no example in the last quarter-century of a large, complex economy that has been successful with high taxes.
We have been, obviously both in Maine and nationally, enmeshed in this false narrative that's based on a fear of immigrants, when in fact we are country founded by immigrants.
I grew up in a family of educators - my dad was a professor, my mom was a high school grammar and French teacher - so certainly my entire life education was stressed as incredibly important. And I think especially for my parents, who are both immigrants, and when immigrants come to this country, they understand that education is something that no one can take from them. You might leave the country with absolutely nothing, but no one can take your education from you.
The reality is for 50 years in this country, federal law has required people that are illegal - or that are immigrants - or that are legal immigrants to this country to carry documentation to that effect. And that has been the law for 50 years.
In theology we must consider the predominance of authority; in philosophy the predominance of reason.
We have to deal with reality. The reality is, we have a number a very high number of illegal immigrants in this country. They're meeting an important economic need. And we are a nation of laws, and we're a nation of immigrants. And if we're going to address the real threats, then we need to have a temporary worker program to allow our Border Patrol agents to focus on the criminals and the thugs and the terrorists and the traffickers and smugglers that are trying to come into this country illegally.
This is a nation of immigrants. We welcome people coming to this country as immigrants. My dad was born in Mexico of American parents; Ann's dad was born in Wales and is a first-generation American. We welcome legal immigrants into this country.
The story of undocumented immigrants in this country is not just about undocumented immigrants. It's about the country as a whole, and it's about us being able to tell the truth about where we are with this issue because we haven't been telling the truth about where we are with this issue.
Immigrants have and will continue to have an important role in Missouri and the United States. However, we must work together to help control the amount of illegal activity that passes through this country while giving legal immigrants a chance to succeed in this country.
There is nothing morally objectionable in stating that a country has the inalienable right to decide on the exact number of immigrants and the exact type of immigrants that it wishes to let into its borders. As part of that calculus, it is perfectly rational to exhibit preferential treatment to immigrants who share one's cultural values.
One of the strengths of this country has been our diversity. One of the strengths of this country has been the fact that we are a nation of immigrants.
For all the noise and anger that too often surrounds the immigration debate, America has nothing to fear from today's immigrants. They have come here for the same reason that families have always come here-for the hope that in America, they could build a better life for themselves and their families. Like the waves of immigrants that came before them and the Hispanic Americans whose families have been here for generations, the recent arrival of Latino immigrants will only enrich our country.
It's unfortunate that the country of immigrants has turned its back on immigrants. The atmosphere after 9/11 is toxic.
This country was founded by immigrants... I don't see Mr. Trump looking like an Apache, so all of us, we are immigrants.
If a coach gets behind Lonzo and has confidence in him, I'm cool. 'Cause that's when he's very successful. He's been successful in AAU, high school and college.
Contrary to what you might assume, I didn't start with any advantages and neither did most of the successful people I know. I am the grandson of immigrants who came to this country seeking basic economic and personal liberty.
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