A Quote by Ban Ki-moon

Globalization is exposing new fault lines - between urban and rural communities, for example. — © Ban Ki-moon
Globalization is exposing new fault lines - between urban and rural communities, for example.
Clean energy provides a unique opportunity in rural and urban communities alike by training Oregonians with new skills for projects that must be built in our communities and can't be outsourced.
We are neither anti-urban nor pro-rural. We know there is a gap between urban and rural areas; we are only trying to bridge it.
Rural communities and our nation's economy also stand to benefit from broadband expansion. Rural schools can expand the quantity and quality of educational programming. Rural communities can attract businesses and investment.
I love the State Fair. It's an event that really brings the urban and the rural Minnesotans together. Rural people get a chance to mix with the urban folk and see what the cities have to offer, and urban people get to remember where their food comes from and who produces it for them.
Inequality is not just an issue between individuals, between classes, between regions. It's between urban and rural.
Members of the Academy are mostly urban people. We are an urban nation. We are not a rural nation. It's not easy even to get a rural story made.
In the We Connectivity Hub, three global classrooms fitted with Skype technology from Microsoft will bring workshops, leadership training and mentorship to the most remote and unreachable rural communities in Canada - especially Indigenous communities - without having to fly thousands of kilometres to an urban centre.
Most new prison construction has occurred in predominately white, rural communities, and thus a new and bizarre form of segregation has emerged in recent years. Ghetto youth are transferred from their decrepit, underfunded, racially segregated schools to brand-new high-tech prisons located in white rural counties.
Politics is based on social identity, and so, again, there is going to be differences between rural and urban and between left and right.
Strengthening local airports in Iowa is important for economic development and improving the quality of life our rural areas and urban communities
One of the problems with the fiasco of suburbia is that it destroyed our understanding of the distinction between the country and the town, between the urban and the rural. They're not the same thing.
There's no question that there's been a breach in the trust between urban - especially urban community, African-American and minority communities and the police in major American cities.
Rural communities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America are where the majority of hungry people are and the inequality that exists between women and men in these communities is holding back progress.
Divides between north and south, towns and cities, between urban and rural areas, cause people to experience a gulf in quality of life and future prospects.
Environmental damage such as graffiti, fly-posting and general littering is a menace that is becoming all too prevalent, not just in inner cities but in many communities - urban and rural.
Communities of every demographic (north, south, urban, rural, public animal control shelter, private shelter) have achieved No Kill success.
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