A Quote by Barack Obama

There are always things that I think I wish I could have done better. — © Barack Obama
There are always things that I think I wish I could have done better.
There are always things you wish you could've done better, and there are always things that you wish would've turned out a different way in terms of storyline, which you're not in charge of.
I think the world is always improving and always not improving. I think that both are simultaneously happening all the time. I don't think it's one motion unfortunately - I wish we could say it's better, better, better - but I think it's better, bad, better, bad - you know?
Sure, things could always have been done better, but I just wish people would drop their political hammers for a few weeks, as happened in 2001, and work on the problem at hand.
Sure, things could always have been done better, but I just wish people would drop their political hammers for a few weeks, as happened in 2001, and work on the problem at hand
I think most bands probably peak on their first album. We peaked on our third album. On the first album, I feel like I wish the production was a little better. I'll always hear a song I don't like. I look for what I could have done to make it better. It's always difficult for me to listen.
I wish I'd done 'Dumb and Dumber.' I was offered the part, but I don't think I'd have been better than Jeff Daniels was. Another film I wish I'd done was 'Jerry Maguire.'
I remember telling the 'Tangled' crew about grimace moments: how when you watch a movie that you worked on and you think, 'Ah, I wish we could have done that scene better,' or, 'I wish that we'd had the time or the money to fix that particular story problem.'
Whatever happens, there are always things you could have done better. You score two goals and you usually feel you could have done better. You score two goals and you usually feel you could have scored a third. That's perfectionism. That's what makes you progress in life.
I think every one of us, in life, have some sort of moment that has happened that we wish we could have done differently or that we wish could have had a different outcome.
There's a lot of things I could've done better, and I regret not doing better. I do know I always gave it my best shot.
I don't think you ever feel a success really because everything could always be done better than you've done it.
I think it's incredible what I've done. A lot of sweat. But as an innovator, I look back and can't help but go, 'Damn, there's things I could've done better, you know?'
I am never happy with what I do, so I try not to watch stuff that is filmed with me in it because I am always like, 'Oh, I could have done that a little bit better,' or, 'I could have done that differently - that riff could have been a little better.'
I am never happy with what I do, so I try not to watch stuff that is filmed with me in it because I am always like, "Oh, I could have done that a little bit better," or, "I could have done that differently - that riff could have been a little better."
There's always things we could have done better, and it's easier with hindsight.
I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better. I think that's the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.
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