A Quote by Barack Obama

The path of America's development is never a straight line. Sometimes we move in ways that are forwards; sometime that seem back. — © Barack Obama
The path of America's development is never a straight line. Sometimes we move in ways that are forwards; sometime that seem back.
It is possible in theory and I think true in practice that centralization could have been the optimal solution at the beginning of the computer era and now, but not in between. And it may change back again with some other technological development. Some things move in a straight line. Others move like a pendulum.
When you are in the line of your duty, it is like standing in front of a line of posts, and every post is in line. But step one step aside, and every post looks as though it were not quite in line. The farther you get away from that straight line, the more crooked the posts will appear. It is the straight and narrow path of duty that will lead you and me back to the presence of God.
History doesn't always move in a straight line. Sometimes it zigs and zags.
I think you're conditioned, especially in America, that there is this line you have to walk down. Anybody who wants to move off that path at any point in their life is my hero. Anybody who goes off that path has to wrestle with that.
What by a straight path cannot be reached by crooked ways is never won.
I do everything by hand... Even if I'm doing really big letters and I spend a lot of time going over the line and over the line and trying to make it straight, I'll never be able to make it straight. From a distance it might look straight, but when you get close up, you can always see the line waver. And I think that's where the beauty is.
For the elements have the property of moving back to their place in a straight line, but they have no properties which would cause them to remain where they are, or to move otherwise than in a straight line. The rectilinear motions of these four elements when returning to their original place are of two kinds, either centrifugal, viz., the motion of the air and the fire; or centripedal, viz., the motion of the earth, and the water; and when the elements have reached their original place, they remain at rest.
I love Europe, but we are still struggling with that kind of development. First of all, we don't have a smart conversation about the difference between an immigrant and a refugee. A refugee can't go back. An immigrant is someone - I chose to move to America. And I also have the option of saying hey, didn't work out, I can move back. That's a completely different story than someone who is locked in.
The straight line is godless and immoral. The straight line is not a creative line, it is a duplicating line, an imitating line.
That's the nub of the thing, you see seriousness of spirit. It doesn't mean heaviness of heart, or a lack of fantasy, but it does mean an awareness of influences that touch our lives, sometimes in ways that seem cruel and unfeeling, and sometimes in ways that open up a glory which can never be forgotten.
If you look at a shape like a straight line, what's remarkable is that if you look at a straight line from close by, from far away, it is the same; it is a straight line.
Jimmy Connors likes the ball to come at him in a straight line, so that he can hit it back in another straight line. When it comes to him in a curve, he uses up half of his energy straightening it up again.
The straight line has a property of self-similarity. Each piece of the straight line is the same as the whole line when used to a big or small extent.
I only move forwards, never backwards, darling.
Relationships are not straight forward. They're not black and white. Sometimes things don't always going in a straight line, and that's okay. Love can be very confusing.
I see that the path of progress has never taken a straight line, but has always been a zigzag course amid the conflicting forces of right and wrong, truth and error, justice and injustice, cruelty and mercy.
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