A Quote by Barbara Kingsolver

Eaters must understand, how we eat determines how the world is used. — © Barbara Kingsolver
Eaters must understand, how we eat determines how the world is used.
Eaters must understand that eating takes place inescapably in the world, that it is inescapably an agricultural act, and that how we eat determines, to a considerable extent, how the world is used.
The law of property determines who owns something, but the market determines how it will be used.
Unfortunately, race still determines too much, often determines where people live, determines what kind of education in their public schools they can get, and, yes, it determines how they're treated in the criminal justice system.
Some meat eaters defend meat eating by pointing out that it is natural: in the wild, animals eat one another. The animals that end up on our breakfast, lunch, and dinner plates, however, aren't those who normally eat other animals. The animals we exploit for food are not the lions and tigers and bears of the world. For the most part, we eat the gentle vegan animals. However, on today's farms, we actually force them to become meat eaters by making them eat feed containing the rendered remains of other animals, which they would never eat in the wild.
Fairs are good places to eat, particularly for stand-up eaters--which is one of the kinds of eaters I am, although when I eat standing up away from home I sometimes miss the familiar cool breeze coming from the open refrigerator.
How you think determines how you act. How you act in turn determines how others react to you.
If the whole world went vegan, there would be less war. How you eat determines your mood and your outlook on life.
Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think - determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how you live.
How you imagine the world determines how you live in it.
How many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that "no" means "yes" if you know how to spot it? Let me tell you something. In this modern world, that is simply not tolerated. People aren't even gonna try to understand that one. I mean, it used to be said it was a cliche. It used to be part of the advice young boys were given.
It depends on who's bowling, how is the wicket playing, how I gonna score and stuff like that or how people are trying to get me out, probably that determines how open I am or otherwise how closed I am.
What you see determines how you interpret the world, which in turn influences what you expect of the world and how you expect the story of your life to unfold.
I'm a firm believer that language and how we use language determines how we act, and how we act then determines our lives and other people's lives.
The only way to know everything is to learn how to think, how to ask questions, how to navigate the world. Students must learn how to teach themselves to use new tools, how to talk to unfamiliar people, and basically how to be brave.
Most of the younger people I knew didn't seem to have a handle on things; they hadn't found their place, they didn't understand how the world works, they didn't understand how to treat other people, and they didn't know how to stop thinking about themselves.
And to understand how love unfolds, you must understand how Elyon loves.
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