A Quote by Baron Davis

In street ball, you really don't care about playing defense, unless it's some kind of flashy steal or a big block where you bat the ball across the court, but all you're really worried about is scoring.
When I was playing, it was me playing both ends of the floor, playing offense, playing defense and I gave the ball up with assists. It wasn't like me doing one thing, scoring 25 and having three assists and one steal.
When I get in there, I'm not really worried about scoring. I'm just worried about playing as hard defense as I can play, making my opponent work, and then I know the offensive end will open up for me. I've been a scorer all my life, so that's what I try to pride myself on. It feels good.
I was always really good with the ball, I was always passing the ball, scoring, shooting the ball. I think for me, that's just a normal thing.
When I was about 16, I got my ball taken off me by the police for playing in the street - which is pathetic really.
My favourite game is wiffle ball, a fake version of baseball with a plastic ball and bat that's really for kids.
I really don't care about stats. I don't care about any of that stuff. I just care about performing each and every weekend and helping my team win ball games.
How to hit home runs: I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball... The harder you grip the bat, the more you can swing it through the ball, and the farther the ball will go. I swing big, with everything I've got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can.
Football is actually pretty limited and there are only really four phases: When you have the ball yourself, when the opponent has the ball and when you win the ball or lose the ball. That is football, really, there isn't more to it.
I hit the ball really well... had a lot of good looks at birdie all day, it's firm but you could control your golf ball, for sure. Today I controlled my ball very well. The confidence is definitely there. I feel really good about where I'm at and going into tomorrow.
I am an arm hitter. When you snap the bat with your wrists just as you meet the ball, you give the bat tremendous speed for a few inches of its course. The speed with which the bat meets the ball is the thing that counts.
I'm a coach who likes to have the ball, but what I really think is, 'How can you be in charge of the game?' I think, but maybe I am the only one, that the defensive process can take care of the game. Why is that? Because teams wait to defend. If you create something where you go to defend, to steal the ball where you want, it's different.
The point guard thing was I had to figure out how to score when I'm hot, and how to distribute and make sure everybody is happy. Because I can be happy scoring the ball. But when everybody isn't touching the ball, and we're not making the defense move, it's kind of pointless. So, I've got to find a way to keep everybody in the loop.
You might pitch a ball on the off stump and think you have bowled a good ball and he walks across and hits it for two behind midwicket. His bat looks so heavy but he just waves it around like it's a toothpick.
You've got to have one of those guys on your ball club that, when you have runners on scoring position, you know that guy is going to drive the ball and put the ball in play and pick them up.
I don't really know why I started playing as a kid, but I grew up in Queens, New York, not too far from Forest Hills, where they played the U.S. Open in those days. I even got to be a ball boy there. Also, there was a tennis court just a block away from our house, and I'd hang out down there.
I feel more comfortable with the ball in my hands, playing the point guard. But I like playing the 2, too. I think I bring tough defense and the ability to score and also get my teammates the ball to score.
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