A Quote by Bashar al-Assad

The armament of the government is legal armament. Any other armament is not legal. — © Bashar al-Assad
The armament of the government is legal armament. Any other armament is not legal.
With the aid of this credit policy, however, Germany created an armament second to none, and this armament in turn made possible the results of our policy.
Armament should be an illegality everywhere, and some sort of international force should patrol a treaty-bound world. Partial armament is one of those absurdities dear to moderate-minded 'reasonable' men. Armament itself is making war. Making a gun, pointing a gun, and firing it are all acts of the same order. It should be illegal to construct anywhere upon earth any mechanism for the specific purpose of killing men. When you see a gun it is reasonable to ask: 'Whom is that intended to kill?'
80 percent of the export of armament in the world comes from the G8 countries. [The] United States alone exports about 50 percent of the world's armament, [for] which, of course, there has to be buyers, and the buyers are very terribly keen, very often military dictator[s] or sometimes not military dictator[s] but for military purposes. But the sellers are also promoting this trade. And two thirds of the arm exports go to developing countries. I'm in favor of putting a control on it, a ban on it.
In all my activities as Armament Minister I never once visited a labor camp, and cannot, therefore, give any information about them.
In my opinion there is no other salvation for civilization and even for the human race than the creation of a world government with security on the basis of law. As long as there are sovereign states with their separate armaments and armament secrets, new world wars cannot be avoided.
Why buy repeater carbines and nuclear armament - if this is kept at home a child can play with it
The armament industry is indeed one of the greatest dangers that beset mankind. It is the hidden evil power.
One of the primary necessities of the world for the maintenance of peace is the elimination of the frictions which arise from competitive armament.
Having served in both Pakistan and India, I'm familiar with how their nuclear armament influenced regional stability.
If only the authorities could be made to realize that the forces leading them on in the armament race are just insane.
The idea of achieving security through national armament is, at the present state of military technique, a disastrous illusion.
We have agreements with many countries including Iran, including Russia, including other countries that are about different things including armament. It's cooperation like any cooperation between any two countries, which is normal. It's not related to the crisis.
Competition in armament, both land and naval, is not only a terrible burden upon the people, but I believe it to be one of the greatest menaces to the peace of the world.
Two conditions render difficult this historic situation of mankind: It is full of tremendously deadly armament, and it has not progressed morally as much as it has scientifically and technically.
The single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament, nuclear weapons, not global warming.
So we are fulfilling our task in preventing serious armament stocks in Iraq within our possibilities.
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