A Quote by Bear Bryant

No coach has ever won a game by what he knows; it's what his players know that counts. — © Bear Bryant
No coach has ever won a game by what he knows; it's what his players know that counts.
I love Coach K's passion to coach his players and to coach the game. I examined and watched the interaction between him and his staff, along with the players, and was impressed how hard they played.
We hated to see Coach Riley go. Coach Riley is a very smart individual and he knows his coaching style. He also knows how long to stay with it and move on. He is a very demanding individual. When you coach at that level like that it tends to whirl the players.
Benitez is a coach with high expectations of his players, he demands a lot and I like that. He knows how to communicate with his players and he is intelligent.
Being a soccer coach is just like being a general who has the responsibility of guiding his troops into battle. If a coach acts too emotionally on the bench, his players cannot focus on their game on the field.
Seattle was my favorite team growing up, so I know a little bit about Coach Karl and his history. He's one of the best coaches in the game, well-respected by much of his peers and much of his players.
The Coach does not play in the game, but the Coach helps the players identify areas to improve their game.
Since the most important responsibility of a coach in regard to the actual playing of the game is to teach his players properly and effectively to execute the various fundamentals of the game, he is first of all a teacher.
When I watch professional football, I love listening to John Madden because I know he knows what he's talking about. He's been both down in the trenches and in front of the bench as a coach. He knows the game.
If the coach on the sidelines is not that strong, transmitting the kind of spirit he has, players won't always handle it well. Life becomes difficult. But, with Mourinho, everything is good. He knows when to be among his players, as 'one of us' making jokes as a friend, and when to be strong and distant, even severe.
People usually think that it is the coach who has to raise the spirits of his players; that it is the coach who has to convince his footballers; that it is his job to take the lead all the time. But that's not always the case.
A youngster should know his game first. If he knows his game, he can modify it at the top level if required. But if he doesn't know his game, then it is difficult to get success at international level. You will get success occasionally but not regularly.
Other than my parents, no one had a bigger influence on my life than Coach Smith. He was more than a coach – he was my mentor, my teacher, my second father. Coach was always there for me whenever I needed him and I loved him for it. In teaching me the game of basketball, he taught me about life. My heart goes out to Linnea and their kids. We've lost a great man who had an incredible impact on his players, his staff and the entire UNC family.
Coach Noll insists upon his players having a positive attitude toward the game and, looking back, I really believe that his philosophy in this area helped mold the Steelers into being the team of the 1970s.
Find your own picture, your own self in anything that goes bad. It's awfully easy to mouth off at your staff or chew out players, but if it's bad, and your the head coach, you're responsible. If we have an intercepted pass, I threw it. I'm the head coach. If we get a punt blocked, I caused it. A bad practice, a bad game, it's up to the head coach to assume his responsibility.
You and I are players, God's our coach, and we're playing the biggest game of all. We have a loving God that made us. We need to get on His team. It says in His word, there's only one way to Him and that's through Jesus Christ.
Coach Noll is quite demanding all the time. He expects a lot from both his players and assistant coaches because that is the only way he knows how to get the job done.
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