A Quote by bell hooks

When we are more energized by the practice of blaming than we are by efforts to create transformation, we not only cannot find relief from suffering, we are creating the conditions that help keep us stuck in the status quo
The status quo is presented as something to aspire to, whereas for us, the status quo was something we wanted to shatter in order to create the space for people to choose for themselves.
Managers maintain an efficient status quo while leaders attack the status quo to create something new.
If you allow your perceptions to be dominated by a status-quo perspective these thought forms create a network of status-quo mental habit patterns.
As a black woman, I have no particular interest in maintaining the status quo. Why would I? The status quo is harmful; the status quo is significantly racist and sexist and a whole bunch of other things that I think need to change.
Relief is a great feeling.It's the emotional and physical reward we receive from our bodies upon alleviation of pain, pressure and struggle. A time to bask in the lack of the negative.And yet, think about it—relief is really the status quo, a negation of the suffering, a nothing in itself. It is the way things were before the pressure and struggle began.So, is it a step back? A regression?Or is it an opportunity to regroup, start over, and move in a different direction?Use your moment of relief well.
The State is a collection of officials, different for difference purposes, drawing comfortable incomes so long as the status quo is preserved. The only alteration they are likely to desire in the status quo is an increase of bureaucracy and the power of bureaucrats.
Seven out of 10 Americans know the country's headed in the wrong direction, that in a very real sense that this is a clear choice between change in the status quo and I've always been telling crowds, the other side says if you like your status quo you can keep it.
Nothing is more terrifying to me, really, than the status quo. I'll make mistakes before I keep doing something the same way.
The status quo is the only solution that cannot be vetoed.
Competition has never been more threatening than it is now. Innovative thinkers challenge the status quo in their organizations. They are often viewed as "troublemakers." They threaten the defenders of the status quo. So competition within an organization can also be brutal. The most effective leaders overcome "the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom" by being change agents themselves. They encourage and reward innovative thinking. I have observed that people only resist changes imposed on them by other people.
There is no country on earth that can touch us in charitable efforts, in disaster relief efforts, in doing everything to help. We do not live under a suicide pact in the name of compassion, because you see what's incorporated in all this is that we're guilty of something. And we're not. We lead the world in goodness.
Suffering is part and parcel of the human condition, but suffering can either embitter or ennoble us. It can ennoble us and become a spirituality of transformation when we find meaning in it.
When you get to No 10, you've climbed there on a little ladder called 'the status quo'. And when you are there, the status quo looks very good
This transformation is already proceeding, and if we want to consciously find these evolutionary currents operating in our own being as well-if we want to consciously join Spirit-in-action-then the four quardrants can help us orient ourselves more effectively, can help us become more conscious of the evolutionary currents already flowing around us and through us and in us.
Organizations that destroy the status quo win. Whatever the status quo is, changing it gives you the opportunity to be remarkable.
The notion that I should be fine with the status quo even if I am not wholly affected by the status quo is repulsive.
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