A Quote by Bella Thorne

I personally don't think you can love two things like dancing and singing the same exact amount. There is always one that you like more, and that is most likely the one that you're better at, because you try harder in it.
I think, the more of a student I am, the better it will be for my work because it means once you have too many accolades you don't try harder. I would never allow myself to think that I don't have to try harder. I like the idea of always learning, always trying to do better. The word "master" sits uneasy on my terms.
I love wearing the exact same thing all the time because I think it makes you like a cartoon character. They always wear the same outfit and everybody always remembers them for it, so I feel like I should do the same thing.
There are so many people that do things better than I do: dancing, singing like a black girl, singing country. Or if, while they sing, they move their arms in and around their crotch; when I sing, I play the piano and look like a little choirgirl. I'd like to mix it up like that.
When I saw Beyonce, she did a two-hour show singing and dancing - it was like my mouth just wouldn't close. I was like, 'OK, I'm drooling,' like, it's so good. Oh my God. No one's better. I'm sorry.
I like being on my own better than I like anything else, but I can't give up love. Maybe it's the tension between longing and aloneness that I need. My own funicular railway, holding in balance the two things most likely to destroy me.
I know musicians who think that drumming and guitaring can be very meditative, but singing is different because when you think about things, you put words to them. So I try to just stay present most of the time, I try not to let my mind wander and I also try not to clear my mind. I like to still have thought and be aware of people and whatever that's happening, but I also like to just focus on the words that I'm saying.
As a child, as a cinemagoer, I think there is nothing better than being in a cinema or watching a film. I think it's just a while magical...it almost feels like you're at a big party in India, where you're singing, you're dancing, you're laughing, you're crying, you feel like you're at a wedding because our films invariably cover all emotions.
As a child, as a cinemagoer, I think there is nothing better than being in a cinema or watching a film. I think it's just a while magical... it almost feels like you're at a big party in India, where you're singing, you're dancing, you're laughing, you're crying, you feel like you're at a wedding because our films invariably cover all emotions.
It's harder and harder to scare people, and filmmakers are aware of that, and they're making the movies better, and I think they feel more original, which I always like.
Rather than pushing children to think like adults, we might do better to remember that they are great learners and to try harder to be more like them.
The thing with movies is, because you have so little time, I always feel like there are more things we could've done with the character. If we'd done a sequel to 'The Thomas Crown Affair,' what would that have been like? But for the most part, you try not to think of that, because it's just going to break your heart.
Like they used to say about Joe Montana, he threw soft because he couldn't throw hard. He was successful because he didn't try to do what he couldn't. I couldn't rock out harder than everybody, or overpower people with mastery like Jack White of the White Stripes, so why try? That's why I've always worked harder on words.
If someone tied me down and made me answer the question, singer, actress, clothing designer, I most likely - it could change on any given day, but mostly likely I would lean towards singing. It's where I feel most like myself - on stage singing.
In one way, we're on an upward swing, but at the same time there's still a lot of evil that goes on in the world. I think it's definitely heading in a better direction, but it seems to take so long for all the people with the power, who control the negative side of life and all the bad inventions they have like guns and bombs and hate. But there has to be a balance. We've got to all try harder to manifest more love in order to counteract all that.
I do try to watch it. I'm not saying you have to put yourself on a diet, because I hate the word "diet." But it's more of, like, having a balanced lifestyle makes me feel better. I try to do one to two days with no meat. I try to lessen my gluten. Those are things that I struggle with.
It's like everybody try to sound the same exact way because they think it's going to get them some fame, but nah. You've got to be different.
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