A Quote by Ben Askren

I don't try to hide my feelings or what I think. — © Ben Askren
I don't try to hide my feelings or what I think.

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It's important not to indicate. People don't try to show their feelings, they try to hide them.
There's feelings there, but I think I've just been pretty good at trying to hide my emotions throughout the years. I try to have the same demeanor each and every day.
I'm not macho. I'm very open about things. I don't try to hide my feelings.
We try so hard to hide everything we're really feeling from those who probably need to know our true feelings the most. People try to bottle up their emotions, as if it's somehow wrong to have natural reactions to life.
When I write, I try to think back to what I was afraid of or what was scary to me, and try to put those feelings into books.
Feelings, and feelings, and feelings. Let me try thinking instead.
All my life I've tried to hide my height. I was taller than everybody else and stood out, so I would slouch and try to hide it.
I try not to be too precious about my writing, and I try to be willing to walk away from it for a few hours when something's not working, to let things percolate a bit. I try not to hide myself away from life too much, because I think that's a risky thing for a writer to do.
There are people who try to justify eating fish by saying they have no feelings. Well, you watch a fish gasping for breath as it's pulled out of the water, and then try and tell me it has no feelings!
My feelings are not God. God is God. My feelings do not define truth. God’s word defines truth. My feelings are echoes and responses to what my mind perceives. And sometimes - many times - my feelings are out of sync with the truth. When that happens - and it happens every day in some measure - I try not to bend the truth to justify my imperfect feelings, but rather, I plead with God: Purify my perceptions of your truth and transform my feelings so that they are in sync with the truth.
You can look in the mirror and try to hide it and cover it up, and it may work here or there, but there ain't no shirt or hat you can put on or haircut you can get to hide the fact that you're morbidly obese.
I've always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don't fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. And somehow we humans think we're smarter-what a joke.
I try to say goodbye and I choke Try to walk away and I stumble Though I try to hide it, it's clear My world crumbles when you are not here
The child..will try to make himself..independent of other people. .. Excesses of appetite are self-cures for feelings of hopelessness. ..The child [uses] ‘doubt about food to hide doubt about love.’
I can't hide my feelings.
I think, as human beings, we try to hide our flaws and try to present this perfect person, this person we wish we were, to our spouse when that causes so many troubles.
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