A Quote by Ben Chifley

It's no good crying over spilt milk; all we can do is bail up another cow — © Ben Chifley
It's no good crying over spilt milk; all we can do is bail up another cow
There is no sense in crying over spilt milk. Why bewail what is done and cannot be recalled?
It's no use crying over spilt milk, because all of the forces of the universe were bent on spilling it.
I believe there were things I probably should have done differently. But I'm not going to spend a lot of time crying over spilt milk.
I think crying over spilt milk and being all moody and sulky is really bratty behavior. You shouldn't do it, because it's going to drag you and everyone else around you down.
I don't like looking back. I'm always constantly looking forward. I'm not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I'm too busy looking for the next cow.
You know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that that yields. One is that there's no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you've got.
You know, you only get to live life once, so there are two things that that yields. One is that there's no point in crying over spilt milk, but secondly you hate wasting time, energy, and whatever talent you've got...
It's no use crying over spilt evils. It's better to mop them up laughing.
... every time I got disappointed I'd remember the Roseannadanna philosophy that says that you shouldn't cry over split milk 'cause if you spill some milk and instead of cleaning it up you just walk over it and start crying, they're gonna put you on lithium.
In my state, on the basis of the separate but equal doctrine, we have made enormous strides over the years in the education of both races. Personally, I think it would have been sounder judgment to allow that progress to continue through the process of natural evolution. However, there is no point crying about spilt milk.
Don't cry over spilt milk.
It's no use crying over spilt summits.
If you want a cow to be not just a cow but a milk machine, you can do a very good job at that by creating new hormones like the Bovine Growth Hormone. It might make the cow very ill, it might turn it into a drug addict, and it might even create consumer scares about the health and safety aspects of the milk. But we've gotten so used to manipulating objects and organisms and ecosystems for a single objective that we ignore the costs involved. I call this the "monoculture of the mind."
A creature that never cries over spilt milk: a cat.
When that ineffable compound of depression, sadness (these two are not the same), anxiety, self-hatred, sense of failure and fear for the future begins to steal over you, start telling yourself that what you have is a hangover. You are not sickening for anything, you have not suffered a minor brain lesion, you are not all that bad at your job, your family and friends are not leagued in a conspiracy of barely maintained silence about what a s**t you are, you have not come at last to see life as it really is and there is no use crying over spilt milk.
Never cry over spilt milk, because it may have been poisoned.
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