A Quote by Ben Eine

I'm always travelling and spend a lot of time in airports so I know what it feels like to get a personal welcome home. I wish I got more of them. — © Ben Eine
I'm always travelling and spend a lot of time in airports so I know what it feels like to get a personal welcome home. I wish I got more of them.
To tell you the truth, man, we spend most of the time travelling in hotels, in festivals, in concert halls, clubs, airports. The most unenjoyable part is all the security at airports.
When you spend so much time away from home, travelling around doing things like this, talking about yourself too much, which is often very painful... So, to actually come home and just be amongst people who know you extremely well, who you can't pretend to be anything other than yourself in front of, is a relief really. It gives you a sense of who you are again. You just don't get any time at home... it's such an existence of feeling very unsettled and travelling around. It's great.
I've got some horses which, unfortunately due to my job, I don't spend enough time with them, but they're my release when I get home. I go down to the stables, muck 'em out and spend a bit of time with them and they love me and it's great just going home to see them.
Sometimes it feels like I spend half my time in planes or airports.
Away from football, it is just family. I try to spend time with my kids - I have to spend a lot of time away, so every time I am at home, I like to spend time with them.
I'm just not a naturally cheery person. I'm naturally moody. I know that from people who spend a lot of time with me. People who spend a lot of time with me may not wish to spend a lot more time with me.
The thousands of possible lives that used to spread out in front of me have snapped shut into one, and all I get is what I've got. It's time to pass on the possibilities, all those deliciously half-open doors, to my children, and drive them to the airports, and wish them bon voyage.
I'll always be somebody who spends a lot of time in a lot of places; that's just always going to be the way. But I try to spend as much time in Ireland as I can, because it's lovely, and it feels like a release.
I spend a lot of my time thinking about how to spend my time. Probably too much - I probably obsess over it. My friends think I do. But I feel like I kind of have to, because these days, it feels like little bits of my time kind of slip away from me, and when that happens, it feels like parts of my life are slipping away.
I'll spend a couple of days in Paris, a couple back in London, some time at the factory in Italy... I like travelling, but it can be a struggle to get home for weekends.
Moving is what the deal is. I wish I could spend more time in places, but I find I either want to be in a place for an afternoon or like 10 days or a month. I don't like the two-day thing, so I just wish the drives were shorter so you could wake up, take a walk, and spend three hours in one part of the town. I always thought there should be 28 or 30 hours in a day - you know what I mean?
I would like to spend more time with my parents. I wish they could shift to Mumbai or I could go and spend time with them.
I spend a lot of my time packing. It's a routine, and I know what I need, but I still like to make a list beforehand and usually pack in the afternoon, as I prefer to rest the evening before travelling.
This industry should behave like a mother whose child has just run out in front of a car. But instead of clasping the child to them, they start punishing the child. Like you don't dare get a cold. How dare you get a cold! I mean, the executives can get colds and stay home forever and phone it in, but how dare you, the actor, get a cold or a virus. You know, no one feels worse than the one who's sick. I sometimes wish, gee, I wish they had to act a comedy with a temperature and a virus infection.
I don't have holiday nightmares, but the worst part about holidays is airports for me. It's the travelling to it that's the pain really. But if there's a problem, I just sort it out and get on with it. What's the point of letting it ruin your holiday? It's a waste of time and a waste of life otherwise. Just open that champagne and have a ball. I've always got a drink in my hand, have you noticed that?
In my career, I've been lucky to do the bad guys that are more interesting, where the audience wants to spend more time with them and get to know them. That's what I'm always looking for and trying to do.
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