A Quote by Ben Sasse

I think Medicaid harms people. — © Ben Sasse
I think Medicaid harms people.
Medicaid protects impoverished children, the frail elderly and people in crisis, .. Its limited resources will be further stretched serving hurricane victims. Proponents of Medicaid cuts either undervalue Medicaid assistance or underestimate American compassion.
I don't think Democrats are ever going to get excited about cutting Medicaid to pay for tax cuts to wealthy people. I just don't think that's the direction we should be going in our country. The 1 percent's doing very well in America. They don't need more help. But Medicaid does.
People consider the harms they inflict to be justified and forgettable, and the harms they suffer to be unprovoked and grievous.
I think if you look at Medicare and Medicaid, the premise was that government needs to provide some assistance to people who aren't able to take care of themselves. I think we all share that goal, Republicans and Democrats. I don't think anybody's gonna go back now and say, Let's abolish, or reduce, Medicare and Medicaid. But as we confront the challenges and the responsibilities of our time - from here on - how do we serve more people or different people who are in need of financial assistance? Just forever having the government expand to address all of that seems unwise.
Medicaid covers vitally needed medical care for millions of people in New York. Compliance with billing requirements ensures the financial integrity of the Medicaid program.
Praising children’s intelligence harms their motivation and it harms their performance.
The federal government would give money to the states. States would be able to negotiate at local rates. It's not Medicaid. People didn't want it to be Medicaid in Washington, either.
Expanding Medicaid without fixing Medicaid is a terrible idea.
I don't struggle to forgive people. I find it quite easy to forgive people for the harms that they have inflicted on me. What I do find challenging is to forgive people for the harms they inflict on my daughters and family. So, I find it challenging when I see somebody else experience hurt. I also look at my children and family and then I realize, I don't stand inside their skin and that is for me a forgiveness practice I still need to engage in.
People think I'm rich and I'm making all this money off these rocket launches. Hell I'm on Medicaid!
Even now, hearing the debates about Medicaid, the suggestion that somehow we could save money by cutting Medicaid strikes a chord in me personally. It seems there are some other ways we can save money rather than making it harder for people like my aunt to get health care.
We`re not going to end the Medicaid. We`re going to give the governors more control and leeway to bring innovative reforms to make Medicaid work.
One of the challenges in the Affordable Care Act was that it prejudiced the Medicaid system very much in favor of able-bodied adults, away from the more traditional Medicaid populations of the aged, the disabled, pregnant women, and children.
There is an essential difference between someone who harms a child on purpose and someone who harms a child by accident during combat in civilian territory.
Well, it was most likely too late; there would not be time for me to flagellate myself for every dishonorable deed in that list, nor any chance to make good the harms I’d done. Minor harms, to be sure, in the scheme of things; but large enough to regret.
I've been a vocal advocate for Medicaid expansion, which is why I co-sponsored legislation to incentivize states like Kansas to expand Medicaid by starting the amount the federal government matches state's investment for expansion at 100 percent.
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