A Quote by Benjamin Disraeli

It is the fashion to style the present moment an extraordinary crisis. — © Benjamin Disraeli
It is the fashion to style the present moment an extraordinary crisis.
Fashion is temporary; fashion is a race. What it's doing is giving you something that you say, "This is the outer wrapping of me." Style is something else. It's not quantifiable. Fashion is about selling. Fashion is about what's in. Style is independent of that; style is individual.
I don't really follow fashion exactly, but I've always been very interested in the way that you present yourself as an expression of yourself, so that's my idea of fashion and style from a personal point of view.
When you don't flow freely with life in the present moment, it usually means that you're holding on to a past moment. It can be regret, sadness, hurt, fear, guilt, blame, anger, resentment, or sometimes even a desire for revenge. Each one of these states comes from a space of unforgiveness, a refusal to let go and come into the present moment. Only in the present moment can you create your future.
I always believed that style was more important than fashion. They are rare, those who imposed their style while fashion makers are so numerous.
In the spiritual world there are no time divisions such as the past, present and future; for they have contracted themselves into a single moment of the present where life quivers in its true sense. The past and the future are both rolled up in this present moment of illumination, and this present moment is not something standing still with all its contents, for it ceaselessly moves on.
Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.
My design style is really a reflection of my fashion style, which is what I started in, working in fashion.
For a woman, le smoking is an indispensable garment with which she finds herself continually in fashion, because it is about style, not fashion. Fashions come and go, but style is forever.
Fashion is not style. Nay, we can say more: Fashion is instead of style. Style is an idiom springing spontaneously from the personality but deliberately maintained. If you have no personality, you may be able to save your face and, possibly, your entire anatomy by following the current fashion, but all we shall know about you, when we see you coming down the street, is that you had enough money to buy a glossy magazine and were sufficiently cunning to work out the cut of the garments shown therein.
Style is timeless. It transcends generations - it's enduring. If you're thinking about fashion, it's of the moment. And that doesn't mean that it's not important at times to embrace trends and that type of thing, but style is less about trends than it is about how you carry yourself.
Your entire life only happens in this moment. The present moment is life itself. Yet, people live as if the opposite were true and treat the present moment as a stepping stone to the next moment - a means to an end.
My fashion resolution for 2015 is to continue to be inspired by all of the great designers of the past and present while keeping true to my style and myself.
Fashion and style is just that. Fashion and style. It's not brain surgery.
I don't believe in fashion dictatorship, and I find that anybody who follows the dictates of fashion is a bit lost. I'm excited by style, not so much by fashion.
How often are you worrying about the present moment? The present moment is usually all right. If you're worrying, you're either agonizing over the past which you should have forgotten long ago, or else you're apprehensive over the future which hasn't even come yet. We tend to skip over the present moment which is the only moment God gives any of us to live.
What is the difference between fashion and style? Fashion says, 'Me, too,' and style, 'Only me.'
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