A Quote by Benjamin Franklin

Mankind are very odd creatures: one half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure; the rest always say and do as they ought.
They that censure, should practice. Or else let them have the first stone, and the last too.
Man is perhaps half mind and half matter in the same way as the polyp is half plant and half animal. The strangest creatures are always found on the border lines of species.
He who would acquire fame must not show himself afraid of censure. The dread of censure is the death of genius.
The first practice is two-and-a-half, three hours, and it's really physical. The second practice starts after lunch at 1 p.m. We work on specific stuff, like coming to the net. After that, I play sets. Then I'm in the gym for an hour-and-a-half doing legs, upper body, and cardio.
Whether you're trying to excel in athletics or in any other field, always practice. Look, listen, learn - and practice, practice, practice. There is no substitute for work, no shortcut to the top.
The way anything is developed is through practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice and more practice.
Whoever would do good in the world, ought not to deal in censure. We ought not to destroy, but rather construct.
There are but three ways for a man to revenge himself of the censure of the world,--to despise it, to return the like, or to endeavor to live so as to avoid it; the first of these is usually pretended, the last is almost impossible, the universal practice is for the second.
No author, I think, is deserving of much censure for vanity if, taking down one of his ten-year-old books, he exclaims: "Great heavens, did I write as well as that then?" for the implication always is that one does not write any longer so well and few are so envious as to censure the complacencies of an extinct volcano.
It is harder to avoid censure than to gain applause; for this may be done by one great or wise action in an age. But to escape censure a man must pass his whole life without saying or doing one ill or foolish thing
The praise of the envious is far less creditable than their censure; they praise only that which they can surpass, but that which surpasses them they censure.
Censure is a limp noodle across the wrist of the president. I think the way we vote on the articles will express the way we feel stronger than any censure vote.
The TV said you should ignore bullies and they would stop harassing you. In practice this worked about half the time. The other half, you ended up with two tall boys shadowing you through a trailer park, their fingers taking little nips at your clothes, like dogs.
To get the feel of how the slider should roll off of your index finger, use this grip and practice at half speed and roughly half the distance to the mound.
All violation of established practice implies in its own nature a rejection of the common opinion, a defiance of common censure, and an appeal from general laws to private judgment: he, therefore, who differs form others without apparent advantage, ought not to be angry if his arrogance is punished with ridicule; if those whose example he superciliously overlooks, point him out to derision, and hoot him back again into the common road.
Half of Americans look at the other half and say, they're too lazy or they're not willing to get up and go to school. And the other half looks and sees a bunch of fat cats and talks about income inequality.
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