A Quote by Benoit Mandelbrot

The most important thing I have done is to combine something esoteric with a practical issue that affects many people. — © Benoit Mandelbrot
The most important thing I have done is to combine something esoteric with a practical issue that affects many people.
Is creativity some obscure, esoteric art form? Not on your life. It's the most practical thing a business-man can employ.
Do one thing at a time. Start the day with a list of things you have to do, and do the most important things first. Even if you don't get the list done, you've gotten the most important things done. So many people spend so much time on things that aren't important.
You’re only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only talk and dream of getting rich. You’ve done something.
To have one's race brutally treated for so many years, even after the end of slavery and segregation, people are going to rise up with violence to attain what they believe is rightfully theirs. The most important thing at this time is raising the awareness of everyone; people need to be educated everywhere about all aspects of racism and how it affects people still today.
We have to make the bureaucracy accountable to the people. It is not something esoteric, it can be done.
Love is the most practical thing in the world. To love, to be kind, not to be greedy, not to be ambitious, not to be influenced by people but to think for yourself-these are all very practical things, and they will bring about a practical, happy society.
The most important thing when I joined Ajax was to combine it with school.
When I have to do something fast, I wear the most unflattering rubber pants over my pants and a big easy sweater. I can get on my knees in the garden in whatever condition, and when I'm done, I can take it off, get in the car, and drive to the office. It's the most practical thing.
I think the most important thing that marijuana does is it affects the brain.
The whole bullying issue has really struck a nerve with me. It affects so many different types of people at a vital time in their lives.
The whole issue of corrections is something that came up a lot, no matter where we were. I think people would expect that would be a Milwaukee issue, but it's an issue across the state, and that ties to so many other things.
Many times when people leave churches we think it's a doctrinal issue, but most of the time it's a leadership issue.
The biggest message, we hope, is that money is not the most important thing in life. You have to have it to survive and live but it's not the most important thing in life. It's the legacy you leave and the people that you wrap around you and the love that you have wrapped around you (that) should be the most important thing.
It has always been my thought that the most important single ingredient to success in athletics or life is discipline. I have many times felt that this word is the most ill-defined in all of our language. My definition isas follows: 1. Do what has to be done; 2. When it has to be done; 3. As well as it can be done; and 4. Do it it that way all the time.
Because sanitation has so many effects across all aspects of development - it affects education, it affects health, it affects maternal mortality and infant mortality, it affects labor - it's all these things, so it becomes a political football. Nobody has full responsibility.
I have always been interested in conducting research that yielded new methods by which to make cloth, and in developing new materials that combine craftsmanship and new technology. But the most important thing for me is to show that, ultimately, technology is not the most important tool; it is our brains, our thoughts, our hands, our bodies, which express the most essential things.
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