A Quote by Benson Henderson

There's a difference between being over something and learning to deal with it. — © Benson Henderson
There's a difference between being over something and learning to deal with it.
Mothers know the difference between a broth and a consommé. And the difference between damask and chintz. And the difference between vinyl and Naugahyde. And the difference between a house and a home. And the difference between a romantic and a stalker. And the difference between a rock and a hard place.
I believe there's a strong difference between something being good and something being successful. The successful thing is something we have no control over.
The difference between the mile and the marathon is the difference between burning your fingers with a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals.
People think I watch TV too much, but they are wrong. There is a huge difference between merely "watching" TV and learning to respond aggressively to it. The difference, for most people, is the difference between the living and dying of their own brains.
There is a great deal of difference between living and surviving. You can survive in debauchery, even in sickness and despair. But you live with a spirit of vitality and a spirit of participation, of being wanted, and having something to contribute.
There is a big difference between just learning something, and actually LIVING what you learn.
There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich.
There is a difference between being offended and being prejudiced and even being bigoted against. There's a difference between that and racism.
It is not just that we exist and God has always existed, it is also that God necessarily exists in an infinitely better, stronger, more excellent way. The difference between God's being and ours is more than the difference between the sun and a candle, more than the difference between the ocean and a raindrop... God's being is qualitatively different.
Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and being stumbled over.
There's a difference between over-training and over-exercising. Over-training can be you're trying to do something at high performance, but when you're over-exercising it just means that you don't have a life. And there are obviously people who go to that extreme.
The difference between coarse and refined abuse is the difference between being bruised by a club and wounded by a poisoned arrow.
The difference between writing a book and being on television is the difference between conceiving a child and having a baby made in a test tube.
There's a big difference between being numb to something and being immune to it.
On tour things go wrong all the time, I mean that's live music, that's what it's all about. I think one of the things I'm learning is that when stuff goes wrong, really brilliant musicians have the ability to turn this into something interesting and unique. I think good people in any sphere of anything know how to deal with problems, how to take it in your stride. We are learning this by touring, by being put in these positions when we need to focus and deal with it.
The Theatre of the Absurd has renounced arguing about the absurdity of the human condition; it merely presents it in being - that is, in terms of concrete stage images. This is the difference between the approach of the philosopher and that of the poet; the difference, to take an example from another sphere, between the idea of God in the works of Thomas Aquinas or Spinoza and the intuition of God in those of St. John of the Cross or Meister Eckhart - the difference between theory and experience.
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