A Quote by Bernard Ebbers

No one will find me to have knowingly committed fraud. — © Bernard Ebbers
No one will find me to have knowingly committed fraud.
You are not going to change me and if you do, it will look like a fraud, it will be a fraud.
Marco [Rubio] made reference earlier to the litigation against Trump University. It's fraud case. I want you think about if this man is the nominee, having the Republican nominee on the stand in court being cross examined about whether he committed fraud. You don't think the mainstream media will go crazy on that?
We're going after the possibilities of tax fraud, insurance fraud, securities fraud. We're going to look at this stuff very closely. We have the jurisdiction, we have the resources, and we have the will.
The more gross the fraud the more glibly will it go down, and the more greedily be swallowed, since folly will always find faith where impostors will find imprudence.
If you suspend the Geneva Conventions, give the green light to anything that will get intelligence, round up thousands all over the globe with reckless disregard for guilt or innocence, you are effectively and knowingly issuing orders to seize innocent people and torture them. Any president who decides to do that and then says it was not his intention to do that is a fraud or a fool.
I knew more about Texas than the Texans and when they told me I would find summer here I smiled knowingly.
When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.
We should say to private employers, if you knowingly hire illegal immigrants, there's going to be a consequence. I underline the word 'knowingly.' And you make available a system like E-Verify.
Fraud is fraud. And consumers of any product - whether you want to buy a car, participate in fantasy football - our laws are very strong in New York and other states that you can't commit fraud.
Well, you probably will always believe there should be laws against fraud, and I don't think there is any need for a law against fraud.
Be content with what you have Be satisfied with your dwelling place to accommodate your enterprise, Restrain your tongue, And shed tears of regret regarding past sins you committed knowingly, and those you do not recognize.
It's time to override this fraud being committed on the American voter of the two-party tyranny of this private corporation of the Commission on Presidential Debates.
In a way, fraud in business is no different from infidelity in marriage or plagiarism in scholarly work. Even people committed to high moral standards succumb.
A scam is a scam. A fraud is a fraud. Different rules don't apply in the City than they do for you and me.
The IOC have decided Russia will pay them £50 million, and that is their punishment for 40 years of duping the world and going against every single clean athlete on earth. The IOC has fought a spectacular fraud with more fraud.
Criminal conspiracy requires not only that the conspirators know that a crime is going to be committed, but that they knowingly intend to help each other commit the crime - and then commit certain overt acts in connection with that conspiracy.
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