A Quote by Bertolt Brecht

People remain what they are even if their faces fall apart. — © Bertolt Brecht
People remain what they are even if their faces fall apart.
Everything that comes together falls apart. Everything. The chair I’m sitting on. It was built, and so it will fall apart. I’m gonna fall apart, probably before this chair. And you’re gonna fall apart. The cells and organs and systems that make you you—they came together, grew together, and so must fall apart. The Buddha knew one thing science didn’t prove for millennia after his death: Entropy increases. Things fall apart.
Otherwise I'll fall apart. I'm going to fall apart. I am falling apart.
I love it when celebrities fall apart, you want them to fall apart like Charlie Sheen.
They who have drunk beer, fall on their back, but there is a peculiarity in the effects of the drink made from barley, for they that get drunk on other intoxicating liquors fall on all parts of their body, they fall on the left side, on the right side, on their faces, and and on their backs. But it is only those who get drunk on beer that fall on their backs with their faces upward.
You don’t choose who you fall in love with, do you? And once you do fall in love—that obsessive sort of love, that all-consuming love, where two people can’t stand to be apart from each other for even a moment—how are you supposed to let a love like that pass you by?
Jesus praised faith and trust – even more than love. It takes a foundational trust to fall, or to fail, and not to fall apart.
I never believed in the institution of marriage, because ever since I was young, I had only seen marriages fall apart, or remain stuck in a rut.
Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together
You can't micromanage. People who try to do that often fall on their faces. Incentivize those who work with you so you get the best work you can. Every career is a team effort, even if you're the one in front.
Even close people left me - I was hurt by them and felt there was nobody who understands me, which made me fall apart.
It's strange, but when it comes right down to it I never do fall apart--even when I'm sure I will.
Even though I avoid buying clothes that are 'in fashion', choosing things I fall in love with and wearing them till they fall apart - and generally going for vintage when it comes to evening wear - I still, like every woman I know, suffer from occasional pangs of 'clothes guilt'.
Someday no one will remember that she ever existed, I wrote in my notebook, and then, or that I did. Because memories fall apart, too. And then you're left with nothing, left not even with a ghost but with its shadow. In the beginning, she had haunted me, haunted my dreams, but even now, just weeks later, she was slipping away, falling apart in my memory and everyone else's, dying again.
That's what alcoholics do. It's in their job description: fall apart and then keep falling apart.
Things fall apart, even when you think they're stronger than anything you could ever imagine.
People could push and pull at you, and poke you, and probe as deep as they could go. They could even tear you apart, bit by bit. But at the heart and root and soul of you, something would remain untouched.
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