A Quote by Bertrand Russell

The wise use of leisure, it must be conceded, is a product of civilization and education. — © Bertrand Russell
The wise use of leisure, it must be conceded, is a product of civilization and education.
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization.
Nature herself, as has been often said, requires that we should be able, not only to work well, but to use leisure well; for, as I must repeat once again, the first principle of all action is leisure. Both are required, but leisure is better than occupation and is its end.
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level.
How we use our leisure is equally as important to our joy as our occupational pursuits. Proper use of leisure requires discriminating judgment. Our leisure provides opportunity for renewal of spirit, mind, and body. It is a time for worship, for family, for service, for study, for wholesome recreation. It brings harmony into our life.
The right use of leisure is no doubt a harder problem than the right use of our working hours. The soul is dyed the color of its leisure thoughts.
Utilitarianism is a civilization of production and of use, a civilization of "things" and not of "persons," a civilization in which persons are used in the same way as things are used. In the context of a civilization of use, woman can become an object for man, children a hindrance to parents, the family an institution obstructing the freedom of its members.
There is an old saying that the course of civilization is a race between catastrophe and education. In a democracy such as ours, we must make sure that education wins the race.
Product-wise, I use a morning and night cleanser. I'm really not a brand person.
For the classics philosophical insight was the product of a life of leisure; for me a life of leisure is the product of philosophical insight.
Men must be able to engage in business and go to war, but leisure and peace are better; they must do what is necessary and indeed what is useful, but what is honorable is better. On such principles children and persons of every age which requires education should be trained.
In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship with the consumer. It must build trust and rapport. It must understand the customer's needs, and it must provide a product that delivers the promised benefits.
Leisure is not synonymous with time. Nor is it a noun. Leisure is a verb. I leisure. You leisure.
We talk of the enormous virtues of work, but it turns out that that is mostly for the poor. If you're rich enough or if you're a college professor, the virtue lies in leisure and the use you make of your leisure time.
There can be no education without leisure; and without leisure, education is worthless.
Education should foster; this education is meant to repress. Education should inspire; this education is meant to tame. Education should harden; this education is meant to enervate. The English are too wise a people to attempt to educate the Irish in any worthy sense. As well expect them to arm us.
I feel like an email cross-dresser - I use a Microsoft product on my Apple product to access my Google product.
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