A Quote by Betsy Brandt

After you leave a show - any show, but for me especially after 'Breaking Bad' - you hope for a job to help soften the blow now that you don't have this amazing job anymore, and you hope that it's good.
I felt like my job is to go out there and put on a good show, amazing fights and give an amazing effort and hope that people can recognize that sort of thing, and maybe they would want to find out more.
It took forever for me to get work because I was a political comic, and now it's become good business, and God knows how long that'll last. You have to do it night after night after night to kind of make it. I still find myself on 'Piers Morgan' or on some show and I think, 'I hope this is funny.'
I really do think that Breaking Bad is probably the greatest television show that's ever been made. Just in terms of, everything, it's flawless. I can't think of one flaw with Breaking Bad. Every other show, even shows that I really, really love, they're not perfect. Breaking Bad, to me, is a perfect show.
Before going home with a guy, give him a blow job. Guys are always more relaxed after a blow job.
I hope I give a good performance; I hope it's enjoyable. If I'm a villain and you hate me, that means I'm doing my job. But I'm not the one to stand for anybody to call me out of my name for any reason.
One of the principal goals in my life has been to avoid embarrassing my children by doing the job I do. I hope I've managed to do that, and I hope that, with the job I'm in now, they are, if not proud, at least unembarrassed by it. I must say, my three are most agreeable children, who do nothing but delight me.
I want to be a morning-talk-show host. I love Kelly Ripa's job. She gets to live in New York and has this amazing job hosting a talk show.
I have called the co-host job at the 'Today Show' my dream job, and I would be lying if I said it was easy to leave that job.
I'm just focused on getting to the end of each show and feeling like we've done a good job when we walk off stage. And a perfect show isn't necessarily about making the audience feel good. I know I've done my job well if I've made people feel... interesting. I like to leave them a little stunned.
When you're a parent, you're just like, God, I hope they like me when they grow up. I hope that I did a good job. I hope they're gonna be happy.
There are only two stimulants to one's best efforts-the fear of punishment, and the hope of reward. When neither is present, one can hardly hope that salespeople will want to be trained or want to do a good job. When disappointment is not expressed that one hasn't done a better job, or when credit is withheld when one has done a good job, there is absolutely no incentive to put forth the best effort.
I have had a few rough patches in my life, but these last few years have been among the roughest. A few years ago, I left my job as host of the television show Extra. Our parting of ways was completely amicable; they were amazing to me. I had spent over a quarter of my life at that job, and without it, I felt like I had lost my compass. People didn't know how to introduce me anymore, because in L.A., you are your job.
It's important for me to have hope because that's my job as a parent, to have hope, for my kids, that we're not going to leave them in a world that's in shambles, that's a chaotic place, that's a dangerous place.
Living without expectations is hard but, when you can do it, good. Living without hope is harder, and that is bad. You have got to have hope, and you must'nt shirk it. Love, after all, hopeth all things. But maybe you must learn, and it is hard learning, not to hope out loud, especially for other people. You must not let your hope turn into expectation.
I don't go to any of the big Academy parties while the show is on because, invariably, it turns to people watching me watch the host, and it's not comfortable. I watch at home and hope the show gets to be really good.
Never give up your day job. I do all sorts of things, but at the end of the day, it all boils down to The Today Show, and I love doing this thing, and they will have to blow me out of here with dynamite before I leave.
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