A Quote by Betsy DeVos

Discrimination in any form is wrong. I don't support discrimination in any form. — © Betsy DeVos
Discrimination in any form is wrong. I don't support discrimination in any form.
I never will let anyone make, maneuver me into making a distinction between the Mississippi form of discrimination and the New York City form of discrimination. It's, it's both discrimination; it's all discrimination.
I have known Trent Lott for 20 years, ... I don't believe he's racist. But he must proactively send a message to his colleagues in the Senate and the American people that he is absolutely opposed to any segregation in any form and racism in any form and discrimination in any form.
I am not a racist in any form whatsoever. I don't believe in any form of discrimination or segregation.
I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form.
Gender discrimination is not the only form of discrimination one has to deal with.
We have a lot more work to do in our common struggle against bigotry and discrimination. I say "common struggle" because I believe very strongly that all forms of bigotry and discrimination are equally wrong and should be opposed by right-thinking Americans everywhere. Freedom from discrimination based on sexual orientation is surely a fundamental human right in any great democracy, as much as freedom from racial, religious, gender, or ethnic discrimination.
Discrimination - in any form - is unacceptable and runs contrary to New Hampshire's Live Free or Die Spirit.
I voted for the Defense of Marriage Act but I do not believe we should institutionalize a form of discrimination against any minority by amending the Constitution.
Discrimination at any level sends a harmful message to youth, gay or straight alike, and that discrimination has no place in Scouting.
Discrimination of any kind is unacceptable, but we all know there are invisible moments and instances of discrimination that take place each and every day.
'Article 15' prohibits any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, or religion. My film is about the discrimination we practice on various levels.
I really think that discrimination and racism is a horrible thing. And I don't want any form of it in our government, in our public sphere.
The is a lot of anti-sexism coming from my point of view as a woman who deals with it every day. I think sexism is a form of discrimination. It is similar to other forms of discrimination. I think people should feel empowered to not take s**t from anyone.
Nike stands together against bigotry and any form of discrimination... Now, more than ever, let's stand up for our values and remain open and inclusive as a brand and as a company.
We are fortunate to employ a wealth of diverse individuals throughout our family of companies, all of whom are important to us - the only criteria on which they are judged is the quality of their job performance; we do not tolerate discrimination in any form.
Remember, the word "discrimination" isn't always pejorative. When an employer discriminates because an older worker lacks certain kinds of skills that are important in the market today, then it's almost a legitimate form of discrimination because the employer is just trying to figure out who can actually get the job done.
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