A Quote by Betty Cuthbert

You've got to stick at a thing, a particular thing, until you succeed. I feel that's the only way to succeed - by concentrating on something in particular. Once you know what you've got to do you will succeed, you will succeed.
How can you succeed by helping others succeed? We succeed at our very best only when we help others succeed.
People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You always want to try, in everything you do, to attempt something you've never tried before, and the only way to succeed at that is through failure, and the only way to succeed through failure is just banging your head against the wall over and over until you get to that interesting thing on the other side.
Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, 'Make me feel important.' Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.
The thing about acting that's unlike any other art form is that it's collaborative; directing and acting are a collaboration, and your acting won't succeed if the lighting design doesn't succeed or sets don't succeed.
We want everybody to succeed. You know why? We want the country to succeed, and for the country to succeed, its people - its individuals - must succeed.
You can't be afraid to fail. It's the only way you succeed - you're not gonna succeed all the time, and I know that.
A determination to succeed is the only way to succeed that I know anything about.
You must eliminate from your thoughts all doubt and uncertainty that you will get well; that you will succeed; that you will gain your point and get what you want. You may have some uncertainty as to methods, but you must have none as to ultimate results. You may not feel certain that you will succeed today, or next week, but you must feel certain that you will succeed sometime.
I would love to see us all succeed together, but we will do what we have to do to succeed and survive in that sustainable way that benefits everyone.
Iraq will succeed because the Iraqis will see to it that they succeed. And our job is to help them succeed. That's our job.
Being able to inspire my kid with what I'm doing now, it's going to help him succeed in the future, and that's one of my main goals here - is to try and succeed on the field, and succeed as a mother.
You will never succeed while smarting under the drudgery of your occupation, if you are constantly haunted with the idea that you could succeed better in something else.
The one thing you realize if you're going to be successful - no matter where you grew up, no matter what your educational level is - A. You can succeed, but B. The only way you're going to succeed is by outworking everyone else.
The magic of playing has to do with how much everyone wants it to succeed. If you have five players in a situation where the music is being improvised and one is determined it is not going to succeed, it won't succeed even if one of the musicians takes control.
You can't succeed by being good. That's what you get paid for. You can't succeed by being excellent. That's what you're expected to do. You can only succeed by being outstanding.
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