When I began, I was more of a swing bowler with little pace, but I realized it will be difficult to sustain without the pace, so my fitness has now allowed me maybe an extra yard of pace. That has been the secret of my success.
A change of pace in terms of your running pace will give you strength psychologically.
One of my cousins is a golfer, so I got motivated to try the game and I enjoy the relaxed pace it offers me after the fast pace of cricket.
I don't quite have the energy for extra curricular activities. I have to pace myself a little bit more.
If the pace of change outside is moving more quickly than the pace of change inside, you get a bit left behind.
I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.
First year, I was in a real high pace running around and I couldn't pace myself.
Then there's the silliest of all cliches, 'on a pace for' 'Pace' is a figment of the mathematician's imagination.
The best pace is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die.
Things have their own pace, and if we work with that pace and anticipate the issues correctly, we can have good results.
In terms of pace, every captain wants pace in their attack.
I learned a lot my rookie season - the pace of the game. Playing at the right pace, not 100 miles an hour.
For observing nature, the best pace is a snail's pace.
Pace yourself, pace yourself, pace yourself. And take time to rest. I guess if you don't rest and rejuvenate, then you harden, and I don't want to harden.
My pace alone is unstoppable. No one can keep my pace.
They say that pace is the first thing to go, but my game was never based on pace. It was about strength and power and withstanding challenges and getting in the right position.
I have improved my pace without losing on the swing. That is something I am really happy about.