A Quote by Bill Goldberg

My experience with video games is a far cry from 'WWE 2K17.' Did I ever aspire to be that character? Man, I just wanted to be a hero to kids. Whether it's a character in a video game, a movie or a TV series, it's an accolade that I'm greatly appreciative of.
Rather than just making a movie about video games, I wanted to start with the character and what the character was going through.
The video game culture was an important thing to keep alive in the film because we're in a new era right now. The idea that kids can play video games like Grand Theft Auto or any video game is amazing. The video games are one step before a whole other virtual universe.
Every child has played video games growing up and played WWE games. To be part of a video game, it's an unbelievable experience.
It's just a really cool deal to be a character in 'WWE 2K17.' Whether it's competing on Nitro or Halloween Havoc, to have me as an available character... it's a tribute.
It's fun to grow with a character over the course of a TV series. Video games are usually a much more condensed process.
I had one little brother and I would use him as a scapegoat to get us games. Obviously, I would get the more girly toys like dolls and Barbies, yadda, yadda, yadda. But I really wanted video games or action figures or something so I would send him to ask mom, 'Hey, I want this video game' when it was really we wanted this video game.
Movies now, you can watch a trailer for a movie on TV now and you're not sure if it's a video game or a movie. You have to wait till the end of it to see, oh, I see, those actors are in it, so that one's a movie. Oftentimes, it's based on a video game.
Even with the most stupid video games, kids learn more about learning than they ever did before, because they want to learn codes and moves before other kids figure them out. They're motivated to seek out someone or search the Net for help. A student who makes a video game has to solve mathematical problems to make special effects happen on the screen.
The thing video games had to learn was to write, which is not to let people choose their own stuff, but actually prescribe it. To say, "This character is not a blank canvas that you can project onto. I'm going to tell you what this character is like. And I'm going to tell you what happens to them. You're going to feel involved in other ways." Video games made the mistake of thinking everything had to be projectable, and this doesn't do that at all.
I think video games are a huge part of our society now. Having kids play baseball video games helps them understand and love the game. It could actually push them to get out there and play the game for real. That's great for the sport.
WWE has not called me to be a part of any roster. My relationship with WWE stands with the video game and the video game only. If they want to extend an olive branch and pick up the phone, then I will make a comment on that once they do it. But prior to that, nothing's been done.
'Chronicle' could have been a video-game movie. The original 'RoboCop' and the remake could have come from video games.
I'm such a video game fan that being able to do voices in video games is just fantastic.
I had always wanted to lend my voice to a character. I did a voice for this video game, called 'Fallout 3,' and that was really fun.
I think it would be impossible to make a movie about video games if there wasn't some violence that we know from video games.
It seems astounding to me now that the video games are perhaps as important as the movie themselves. And people will spend 2 or 3 years obsessing about the video game in exactly the same way that they'd be obsessing about the movie if they were working on that.
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