A Quote by Bill Vaughan

Vote in a national election. — © Bill Vaughan
Vote in a national election.
A fraudulent vote is a stolen vote. It steals a vote from the thin air and nullifies the legal and legitimate vote of a tax-paying citizen, whose rights to a fair election shouldn’t be tampered with. Winning an election is important, but winning it honestly is imperative in a Constitutional Republic.
You want young people to vote, make Election Day a national holiday.
Since Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, why are they complaining about the Russians hacking the election? I mean, Hillary wins the popular vote, what more can a hacker do than get you the majority of the popular vote? But yet they're running around complaining about the hackers and they're blaming the Russians for stealing the election.
A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.
If you vote early, great. If you vote on Election Day, great. If you vote absentee, great. But get out and vote.
The Liberal Party of Canada, heading into an election, at the last minute they always stand up and they say: We know there's people out there that want to vote NDP and God love you. But if you vote for them you're throwing your vote away.
For many of us, this is very painful, pulling the lever for someone many think odious. But please consider this: A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless.
As a longtime political operative, I know firsthand how a vote here or a vote there can make a huge difference in a close election.
When we support or vote for candidates outside the two major political parties we are immediately lectured about wasting our vote or making it easier for the less desirable of the two major candidates to claim victory. These lies are repeated every election and they must be ignored. You never waste your vote if you vote your conscience.
As economists have long noted, the puzzle is not that so few people vote, it's that so many do. After all, no individual's vote has ever tipped the balance in a presidential election.
I advised the Kremlin on election law and created Rock the Vote Russia, later called 'Choose or Lose,' to push democracy-minded youth to vote.
I got involved because I wanted to help inspire more people to get off their butts and register and vote - not just in this election, but in every other election from now on, you know?
We have two responsibilities when it comes to an election as citizens. We have the responsibility to vote and then to honor that vote, even if we disagree with it. That doesn't mean that we blindly follow. It just means we can't afford the president to fail.
I'd rather support the issues I truly believe in than give my vote to parties that court votes at the time of the election. I like to think that my vote strengthens the green foundation stone.
During the 2010 election campaign, Liberal Democrat candidates, including Swinson, signed the National Union of Students pledge to vote against tuition fees. Looking back, students were among the first to see the reality of the Liberal Democrats in government.
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