A Quote by Billy Crystal

As far as the media goes, I'm driving in the left lane at 28 miles an hour. — © Billy Crystal
As far as the media goes, I'm driving in the left lane at 28 miles an hour.
What's really driving the boom in coaching, is this: as we move from 30 miles an hour to 70 to 120 to 180......as we go from driving straight down the road to making right turns and left turns to abandoning cars and getting motorcycles...the whole game changes, and a lot of people are trying to keep up, learn how not to fall.
Speed is relative. Does it feel fast going 70 miles per hour down an eight lane highway? No, probably not, but I bet it does if you are going down some single lane dirt road. It's the same in a race car. It depends on the track.
The reason we tend to support Republicans is they're taking us toward the cliff at only 70 miles per hour miles an hour and the Democrats are taking us 100 miles an hour.
People who drive slow in the left lane on the highway! Are you kidding me? Don't you see everybody passing you, honking and flipping you off? It's not because everyone else is crazy, it's because you're driving slow in the fast lane, you jerk! OMG! It makes me crazy!
To be straight, if I play and don't bowl 90 miles an hour it's going to be news. If I don't bowl 90 miles per hour for long enough it's going to be news. If I don't put my left sock on first, it's going to be news. I understand that is the scrutiny of playing at this level and being in that spotlight.
We will be producing supersonic planes which will go far, far faster than Concordes. New York to Tokyo could be less than an hour. You could be traveling at 19,000 miles an hour orbitally.
Look, if you're driving down the highway at 120 miles an hour, I'd rather be behind the wheel than in the backseat.
I was involved in a serious accident driving in torrential rain at midnight in Cardiff. I was only doing five miles an hour, but because I couldn't see very well, I crossed a junction and collided with another car that was driving very fast. I ended up in hospital for six weeks with a shattered pelvis.
I love driving, but I like driving on a two lane road where you can drive for hours and not see anybody.
Now I've literally become neighborhood watch. I call 911 on people. I'm the old man driving 25-miles-per-hour down Sunset.
Downhillers are going over 110 miles per hour. But no matter what, you can't hit the fence at 100 miles per hour.
I've always operated so far outside my lane, I'm not sure what lane is mine anymore.
I'm one of those fellows so frightened of driving that I go 80 miles an hour - and the more frightened I get, the faster I go.
We just have to go at 100 miles an hour in all our businesses, be they television broadcasting, be they magazine publishing, be they subscription television, be they online, be they gaming. We just have to go at one hundred miles an hour.
There ain't nothing that we need to be worried about. We just need to be in the right lane where everybody else be in the left lane.
You see people in the left lane, and as long as they are on the speed limit, they stay there. Get in the right lane and let people pass you - let the police worry about somebody who wants to speed. Don't force them pass in the right lane and zig zag, which can create an accident, just because you think you're correct.
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